Homeland Security or Eli Lilly Security Bill?
This needs no introduction. Arianna Huffington has really outdone herself on this article!! It is wonderful! I have seen no one address this issue as well as she has. I did a show on the issue out of MN last Wednesday and wish I would have had some of the information she exposes in this article.
About the only connection I think that she missed was to point out that Tom Ridge, the Homeland Security Secretary, is the past CEO of Serle Pharmaceutical. This should the called the Pharmaceutical Security Department rather than the Homeland Security Department!
What has been done in this bill in the way of protecting Lilly from taking responsibility for their mistakes that has cost families so much is both frightening and despicable!
Autism is a condition caused by high levels of serotonin - exactly what the SSRIs are designed to increase. So my question would be, "How do these vaccines affect serotonin levels?" I know that there are too many reports of autistic children being born to mothers on these SSRI antidepressants. One mother had three before she began to wonder if it might be related to her Prozac!
It would be interesting to see how many of these cases of autism could be turned around using Dr. Cade's research on autism. He found it was linked to the milk protein. You see when one cannot metabolize the milk protein (casein), it turns to caso-morphine in the brain. And morphine is a powerful SSRI. Dr. Cade found that when he took autistic and schizophrenic children off dairy 80% had autistic symptoms dissipate.
and don't forget how they have messed with milk. not just the harmones and crap they put into the cows and their food but how they are treating the milk in processing - combining different herds milk, putting it in curd form and later reconstituting it, on and on
america is a crime scene