this country will take before there is an uprising?
I know there are a lot of good and decent people in the US--a lot more than are represented here on DU. So I have to wonder, how much more will it take before we do something about it? How many more lies can we stomach? When will the people we elected stand up and fight this madman?
Will it take Bush taking their children to continue his wars before they stand up? How can we allow this tin-plated dictator with delusions of God-Hood to wreck everything that it took us 230 years to accomplish? I know the US isn't perfect...far from it, but these men who have seized our government have turned us into the biggest bullies on the planet. We have become evil incarnate to so many of the nations around the world.
So again I ask--what will it take?
I personally believe--contrary to the what these stupid polls say--that there are many among the military who are fed up with how they are being used and abused by this regime currently occupying
OUR White House. And it is an occupation. Will we ever see the military decide that they have had enough? Just refuse to obey. That's a hard question to answer. One that I certainly don't have the answer to.
But with everyday that goes by and ever new outrage that comes out about Bush and his followers, I have to wonder when will the people of this nation stand up and scream in one loud voice:
"ENOUGH!"Where is the outrage for what Bush has done to us? It sure seemed to be there when a President had sex in the White House. How can it not be there now? The scope of the wrong that has been done is monumentally more than what Clinton was accuse of doing. It's enough to make my head explode.
I know for myself, I'm tired. I've seen my way of living go down the tubes. I've become one of the working poor--something I thought I would never be. I have no health insurance, no savings, and basically live paycheck to paycheck. I've learned to be a juggler--which bill do I pay and how much money is left for food and gas(usually not alot). So as you can imagine, I don't sleep very well. There are days when I wonder if I can keep going. Yet every day, I tell myself that is exactly what Bush and his cabal want...for people like me to give up. Let them have their way. Be so consumed with what it takes to survive that they will be ignored and allowed to continue destroying our country brick by brick.
Well guess what Mr. pResident? I'm not gonna go away and fall asleep. I will fight you with every weapon at my disposal. I will do everything in my power to see that you and everyone like you are kicked out and brought to justice for what you have done to us and the people of this planet. You have done so much evil in the 6 years you've been in power that it will probably take me and those that come after me to fix it all. But we will regain our country. I will never lose that hope.
One of my favorite tv shows is Babylon 5 and there is a quote by one of its main characters that has always meant a great deal to be. Never more so than now. It says:
G'Quon wrote, "There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."We must never give up HOPE. If we do then all is lost.