Hot damn! We got work to do!
We must make sure that our Senators, as well as our Representatives, hear from us during the upcoming Congressional spring break next week--that we support holding our imperial president accountable and expect them to vote for Feingold's censure resolution. What is that they do not understand about upholding the "rule of law?"--particularly the Republican Senators.
Flip-flop Frist will, no doubt, reverse course when he hears from his fellow Rethugs after they return from the spring recess. 16, 2006
Frist To Bring Censure Resolution To Floor
We hear...
....that Senate Republicans will force a floor vote on Sen. Russ Feingold's censure resolution after Congress returns from its next recess.
The GOP wants to put Dems on record. Sen. Maj. Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) believes that the best tactic for Republicans heading into a midterm where the environment favors Dems is to heighten the contrast on issues where Americans percieve Dems to be weak.
An adviser said Frist wants to use "the completely off-the-rails behavior of the Democrats on censure to serve as an organizing principle for Republicans in the Senate, house, and in the states and counties." Frist's VOLPAC will try to build a grassfire against the censure among the Republican base. (The PAC's e-mail list is quite large.)
Said one Republican shoulder-deep in the midterms: "If it is a referendum, we have a challenge, if it is a choice, we have a chance."
Posted at 03:22 PM