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Fax-Blast Time! Pelosi is sellng the Allen bill as "less draconian"...

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Dunvegan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 01:45 PM
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Fax-Blast Time! Pelosi is sellng the Allen bill as "less draconian"...
Edited on Fri Mar-17-06 01:49 PM by Dunvegan
...Time to send her Atrios' rant and the Daily Kos thread that runs down the issues for her.

I work in the Internet community...Democratic Underground and all it's wonderful features (not to mention 80K members) is a costly proposition.

Want DU to remain free? As in freedom of the Internet press? As in alternative media? As in the only voices to counter the MSM?

Let's get busy.

When I called Pelosi's office, I started with a staffer...was shuttled to Media Relations...then to a legal staffer.

They are (all three) selling the new bill as a "less draconian" alternative to the Online Freedom bill.

Nancy Pelosi's Fax Numbers:

San Francisco Office: (415) 861-1670
Washington DC Office: (202) 225-8259

And, for my favorite Internet freedom warriors, here's contact info for Al Gore's CurrentTV:

Fax: (415) 995-8201


Daily Kos' rant/facts:

Atrios' facts/rant:
More Internets

Kos has more on the stupid goo-gooers who don't understand what they're dealing with. I'm struck by the number of people at Kos and elsewhere who just really do not understand the issues at play. It has nothing to do with how much advertising revenue Markos gets. Unless the internet is exempted from the legal definition of "public communication" or other similarly strong safeguards are put into place then sites like Democratic Underground and the Free Republic would have to shut down or reform as political committees. If, as reformers want, state party committees have to start putting a value on posting up a link to a federal canddiate sites then links to candidates or republications of campaign materials would have to be assigned a specific value (how I have no idea). It wouldn't just impact the ability of Markos to make money, it would make it literally impossible for him to run the site as he currently does. It wouldn't just impact "big bloggers" it would potentially impact everyone.
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AX10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 01:59 PM
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1. KICK and recomended!
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Jack Rabbit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 04:25 PM
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2. This is very disaapointing for some one running for President in '07
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