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Sen. Enzi needs to hear from us on S1955, diabetes and all others

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caligirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 04:10 PM
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Sen. Enzi needs to hear from us on S1955, diabetes and all others
Edited on Fri Mar-17-06 04:29 PM by caligirl

I posted this information on another thread linked above. The bill is now in Sen. Enzi's hands. Its up to him and Sen Frist as to when or if it comes to a vote on the Senate floor. Democrats have offered alternatives. This bill is dangerous to Americans and to nearly 5.7 million. Please read the info at the links and take action, even if you are not a diabetic, this bill has far reaching effects to all Americans. If by chance you have a military backround, it might be good to mention your service as well. It might make a difference.
It is deeply personal to me as my beautiful child had diabetes and this bill puts him and others at risk. Children, as well as adults, put at risk by this bill sponsored by republicans.

Washington, DC: Today, the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee continued its negotiations of a Republican plan that would raise the premiums and lower the benefits for millions of Americans who already have health coverage today. Although the bill has been presented as legislation for small businesses, the effects of this bill go far beyond the "small business plans" and would sweep away important protections for patients in every state-regulated insurance market. Senator Kennedy opposes the plan and will offer amendments to improve it, including one that would strike the language relating to state benefits. Kennedy and his colleagues have offered an alternative bill to give small business real help and assistance to provide meaningful health coverage. "Unfortunately, the bill before us includes damaging provisions to repeal existing laws that make healthcare coverage more affordable for millions of Americans. It sets up the barest of bare bones standards for benefits -- sweeping aside requirements to cover cancer screening, well baby care, immunization, access to specialists and many other needed services." Senator Kennedy said. "In the name of helping small businesses afford health insurance for their workers, the Republican plan is a blank check for the insurance industry and a bad deal for patients, resulting in higher premiums and lower benefits for millions of Americans with reliable health coverage today." Kennedy offered amendments to help solve the health care crisis in this country such as fixing Medicare Part D, offering Medicare for all Americans, and allowing small businesses to buy drugs at the same price that the Veterans Administration does. He also offered an amendment that would strike the preemption language in the bill and allow states to choose whether or not to adopt the rating rules, benefit package, and harmonization standards promulgated under the Act. Below is a summary of the Republican plan, Senator Kennedy's statement on state choice, and summaries of his mental health parity amendment, his Medicare for All amendment, his Part D Fix amendment and his VA drug prices amendment.

To see who is against this go to the link, there are many organizations against it.

It would be beneficial to call Sentor Enzi and register your opinion on S1955. We do not klnow when the bill will be voted on, although it got through the HELP committee Tuesday 11-9. Sen Ben Nelson is one sponsor.
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brokensymmetry Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 04:18 PM
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1. K&R n/t
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Zookeeper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 05:09 PM
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2. Caligirl, that link is not working for me. n/t
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