In December, I posted a thread suggesting that we do the same as the Canadians successfully did, calling for a Special Recall Election based on a Vote of No Confidence, by the Canadian people. that thread I posted an article entitled:
Why wait three years for our next president? By Ted Rall(excerpts below)
original yahoo news link is now dead but is accessible here: because it is patently clear that impeachment is no longer a viable option in ending this madness, death and destruction imposed on our people in this nation and the world over, by this administration and his Brown Shirt boot-licker's in the Pentagon (the Cabinet and in Congress) we have to think outside the box and take matters into our hands, just as Jefferson suggested.
With the exception of too few, most of the Dems are sheepish at best on anything and everything of any significance, as evidenced by a plethora of non actions over the past several years, and currently by their refusal to get behind Feingold on his simple call for Censure. Hell, not even Kerry is on record at this point. Only two Democrats, Boxer and Harkin are on the record (as of this writing) in supporting this resolution so far and it's been too many days now.. we've seen this movie too many times before.
If you don't believe Impeaching President Bush is never going to happen, frankly you haven't been paying attention.
I'm positing that there is no other rational or reasonable recourse to stop the fascism now, except to call for a Special Election regardless if the Constitution does not specify it, particularly since we are not even operating under the Constitution anymore. If the President of the United States, and Congress can so blithely disregard the Constitution, we no longer are governed by it as a people or a nation, until it is once again restored by a government that demonstrates it.
Domestic Spying is one among a plethora of other matters which is in evidence of a country no longer governed by their own Constitution, so the people must take to the streets metaphorically speaking and generate a movement calling for special Recall election for a new president in November 2006.
Not 2008.
This thread is about planting the seeds for this idea for empowerment, and I hope that it will be allowed to germinate, take root and flourish.
============================================== CASE FOR A NATIONAL RECALL ELECTION,
Why wait three years for our next president? By Ted Rall (snip)
"When a president falls below 40 percent approval in public opinion polls--as President Bush has done twice in the past two months--it's usually a sign of serious political danger," writes Richard Benedetto in USA Today. "Since 1950, five of the eight other presidents who fell below 40 percent--Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush--lost their bids for reelection or opted not to run again. A sixth, Richard Nixon, was overwhelmed by the Watergate scandal and resigned. Only two, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton, turned things around." But even Clinton never regained his former appeal. His hand-picked successor, vice president Al Gore, won the 2000 election by such a narrow margin that Republicans were able to steal it away."
"The "political capital" Bush claimed after the 2004 election has vanished over the last year. Dead Americans piled up in Iraq and New Orleans, his closest political allies were indicted for corruption and treason, gas prices soared and his party's right-wing Christians stabbed him in the back over the Harriet Miers' nomination. All of Bush's best-laid plans--to privatize Social Security, pass another round of tax cuts for the wealthy and possibly expand his wars to Syria and Iran--lie in ruins. And it's only going to get worse now that his moderate and centrist Republican allies in Congress are beginning to peel away: some to appeal to swing voters in next year's midterm elections, others to align themselves with John McCain's incipient 2008 presidential campaign and some simply because Bush's poll numbers make him radioactive." (snip)
Throw Bush Out Now! Call for a National Recall Election in 2006!Fri Dec-23-05 04:35 PM
Original message by radio4progressives another discussion thread posted last night, someone raised the notion of holding a Recall Election for the White House, and the more I think about this idea, the more it makes sense to me.
Not a week goes by when King George hasn't been caught doing something so outrageous as to call for his impeachment, and the chorus is growing louder and stronger. The list of crimes will not be enumerated here, it's all been thoroughly delineated and hashed out.
Essentially, I think it's safe to say we have tried and prosecuted George W. Bush & Co., and we the jury have deliberated and do find all these evil bastards, Guilty as Charged.
We all thirst for Impeachment, but these proceedings are not likely to occur in this Congress (if at all) until 2007 and by then people will be gearing up for 2008 presidential election. So, it no longer makes sense to place hope that an impeachment proceeding will result in his immediate removal - it just won't.
But i do think that "We the People" might try something totally different.
Think out of the box.
Take the matter out of the hands of Congress, and into the hands of "We the People, by demanding Special Recall Elections! Just in the same way we did here in California, which i opposed at the time..
(but i got to vote my opposition!)
I just can't imagine another Three Years with these dangerous thugs and tyrants in the white house.
The world simply cannot wait much longer.
So, what I'm asking for folks to do, is to think about this. To chew on it for a while (but not too long) and then imagine a world without the Bush Crime Family at the helm, sooner rather than later.
People said it couldn't be done in California (it had been done over a century ago, but not in modern times) and people scoffed at the very idea, and they said "no way" and enumerated all the reasons why it just couldn't or shouldn't be done. Many people (like me) were opposed to the notion of holding a Special Recall Election.
But it did occur. The People had their say, and despite the fact that the power of the State Government was in the full control of Gray Davis and the Democratic party, the Recall Elections occurred, and the Governor was voted out of office.. We got stuck with aahhnuld (but he'll be out of here in the next election).
So don't think about how impossible this would be. Instead, think of the benefit of holding recall elections during mid terms elections, 2006 instead of 2008.
It will lessen the pressure of our people in Congress, due to all these other matters at hand and their own runs for re-election they'll be too occupied with. I'm not arguing against investigation and impeachment hearings, i think those could go forward as they should. But in the meantime, we the people, can do our thing, there's nothing in the law that I'm aware of that says it can't be done.
The other reason why I think we can do this is because I think the nation is finally against Bush, i think the polls a month ago were roughly accurate. And with this domestic Spying issue at hand now, i think it's a really good time to do something sort of revolutionary for this country, i think we should do it.
Let's take this country, our nation, on the road to democracy!
What do you think?