Edited on Sun Mar-19-06 08:18 PM by BleedingHeartPatriot
Good Golly, Miss Molly...how much more do you need to see and experience to finally say,"Enough!"?
Granted, you more reasonable folks, as well as you true conservatives (you know, the fiscal, small government and non-nation building ones), are toning down the rhetoric and smugness. Some of you are even offering tepid criticism, ala the ports deal.
Yet, you continue to attempt to defend your guy, the one with whom you apparently wanted to share a beer. (I'm still not certain why drinking with an alcoholic had such a cache for you, but vive le difference and all that).
Now, I know that moral absolutism is attractive since it provides a nice little box into which your stated values fit nicely. As is falling into groupthink and letting fear guide your decisions, if for no other reason than the ease of not having to think critically.
Yes, open mindedness and critical thinking require much more effort than spouting meaningless slogans and affixing the ubiquitous ribbon magnets to your car. But, none of you have the luxury, anymore, of recycling as your own values the four word statements thought up by Mr. Rove and designed to turn Americans against each other.
Now is the time to get out of the comfortable little box of "right" vs. "wrong", "us" vs. "them" and, especially "gwb is always right" and "anyone who disagrees with him is wrong".
Let's talk reality here. You, all of you bush lovers, have more in common with the homeless folks in your community than you will ever have with gwb and company. And, if you don't change your thinking you, and/or your children, will be joining your brothers and sisters in their dire straits.
You have been duped. You have been convinced that any minute terrorists could swoop down on you and your family while you're doing your weekly grocery shopping and torture, maim or kill all of you, unless you stand firmly behind gwb. And gwb, along with his friends and family, is making more money in a day or two, than you, and most of us, make in a year or more, by capitalizing on that very fear.
Can I ask you something? Aren't there events worse than death? For instance, if you're a parent, you'd never want to see your child suffer. You'd probably rather die than see your child in pain.
Then why are you consigning your children or grandchildren to a repressive, fascist government, that no longer recognizes the Constitution and is in debt to China and Saudi Arabia? One that will ultimately view them as indentured servants, laboring for minimal pay to produce obscene profits for the mega-wealthy 1% of the population.
Our founding fathers and the first American patriots couldn't afford to let fear of death stand in their way. You claim to admire them for that bravery, yet you yourself tremble at the thought of a nefarious and mythical enemy who is just waiting for you to criticize gwb to achieve his goal of, well, "something" evil.
You know you're personally feeling the badness of this administration. Look at the gas prices, the prices at the grocery store, the loss of jobs overseas and the soldier destroying, money sucking war overseas.
I'll bet you're hoping and praying that you're not the victim of natural disaster. Remember when the federal government used to come to the rescue if your community was destroyed by fire, hurricanes or tornadoes? For goodness sakes, Texas is burning right now and it looks like even the Texans are on their own, without assistance from their alleged hometown boy.
One last word about your beloved guy...Katrina.
When it comes to the BFEE's incompetence and misdeeds, I thought I would look forward to telling you, "I told you so" and there is still a part of me that revels just a bit in the karmic blow back. However, I'm along for this hellish ride, right along with you and, ultimately, you and I need to work together, to reverse this horrific chain of events.
Please, put down the koolaid cup and join me in the reality based world. We are all in this together, whether we like or not. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not happy that I was right about how awful this administration would be.
Let's fix things now and agree to disagree later. MKJ