Now that we have reached the 3rd anniversary of the Iraq disaster,we know that the right has lost the war and it is time to bring our troops back home. How do I know the war is lost? Simple!!! I heard John Murtha with Timmeh this morning on Meet The (Corporate) Press. Murtha stated that the right is beginning to make ominous noises that the media,LIKE VIETNAM,wasn't going to "let America win this war". You hear such dopes as Limbaugh,Hannity,Faux News,and the usual suspects churn out the blather that,boo-hoo hoo,the libs won't let us play war. This crap is also pushed by the Ralph(Dude,where's my civil war?)Peters. (Dude,it's right under your nose,just leave the green zone and you'll find plenty of it.),and others who insist that there is actually good news coming from Iraq and the "liberal" media won't report on it. This is absloute crap. This is what I refer to as the "Bobby McFerrin Syndrome" (with apologies to Mr. McFerrin). the "don't worry,be happy crowd",needs to shut the fuck up. We're tired of listening to them as we've had to listen to them for the last three years. Wil use the "liberal media" excuse to try to explain the fact that this war is,was,and always will be a total disaster of their making and they need to be held fully accountable for it and its aftermath. The right is defeated on this issue,and you can tell the next time you hear some right wing gasbag start crying about the how the liberal media "lost"this war for us. :nopity: