March 19th, Los Angeles, California
This morning at church, after the Gospel, the priest went into a rant, asking "who here is registered to vote"? He said they are starting another petition to put the "48 hr Notification of Parents" if their daughter is about to have an abortion in the next election, one prop from Arnold that was shot down in the last special election. The priest continued his rant that the "DEVIL POLITICIANS":grr: who support a woman's right to choose, should all be removed from office. They wanted parishioners to sign a petition to reintroduce it in the next election. On our way out, after church, I shook the priest hand and I had to ask him this.... "Father, does the church take a similar stand against "devil politicians" who kill tens of thousands of innocent people in the name of oil?" Well, it's either that he did not understand me or was confused about what to say, but let's just say in his response, he sounded very confused but he had other hands to shake so we went on our way. I go to church more for my wife but I will not sit and watch the church push this Republican agenda and continue attending. Let the sheep continue being bamboozled, but I cannot and will never accept such blatant hypocrisy. Isn't this the same church that led the crusades, killing thousands of people? Again, I am thinking of leaving the Catholic church.
On another note, the abortion issue is hurting Democrats and I believe we need to make this a state issue and not Federal, let Roe vs Wade be overturned, send it back to the states as we cannot fight the church. Republicans again are using the church and abortion to push their evil agenda. Trust me, no way, no how will we ever be able to fight the church. Karl Rove is also a master at capitalizing on this. Bono once said that the easiest way to get a worldwide hit is to quote God in your song, seems like Karl Rove heard him.