I found this article after reading about "Mudcat" Saunders at Kos. He absolutely loves the word "Bubba", and he is filled with ways to appeal to all the "Bubbas" everywhere. He is a strategist for some of the Virginia candidates. I find his name annoying, and he needs to lose the word "Bubba." It is insulting.
And the remarks made by Carville and Begala about late-term abortion are just overboard. I think they need to research a little. Too many strategists afraid of losing their income, I guess, as the grassroots exert more power over the party's agenda.
Advice for Democrats: Find new focus, stop wonking Go south, and go rural.
In a salty new book, 'Foxes in the Henhouse," Steve Jarding and Dave "Mudcat" Saunders rip Kerry and their own party for essentially ignoring what they label as "Bubba" voters in 2004. Many but not all Bubbas live in the South and in rural areas all over the country, and together they represent the linchpin to a winning Democratic coalition, said the two Democratic strategists, who may line up with ex-Virginia Gov. Mark Warner if he runs for president in 2008.
Jarding and Saunders spiritedly distinguish between "Bubba" and "redneck," saying most Democratic leaders don't understand the difference. And they argue that Democrats can win back Bubbas through economic populism and a culturally moderate message.
"Bubba stands for a blue-collar outlook that transcends gender, color, economic and geographical bounds," Saunders and Jarding wrote. "Bubba-spirited females are common throughout America, and as Jesse Jackson will tell you, in the rural South, black Bubbas are also very common."
Note to Mudcat and Jarding: Lose the words Bubba and Redneck. Choose other words to refer to people in the South. Some take it personally when they find out you are doing it.
And the stance of Begala and Carville on abortion, late-term, shows they are totally unaware of what it is.
Rethink the party's rigid stance on abortion rights.
Former Bill Clinton advisers Paul Begala and James Carville argue in their book "Take it Back" that while most Americans support a right to a legal abortion, many also oppose the late-term procedure often labeled "partial birth abortion." Yet all eight Democrats who ran for president in '04 opposed a ban on the procedure, Carville and Begala wrote. "That is the very definition of extremism," they wrote.
As Governor Dean explained, and most doctors and women understand, an abortion that must be performed late in a pregnancy is one which involves a women's life....her right to choose her life over dying..a choice between her and her doctor.