Did Campbell Brown just say 'hasteful' war?
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:03 PM
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Did Campbell Brown just say 'hasteful' war? |
Not that it is a real word but did I hear her say someone referred to the Iraq war as America's hasteful war? How could she dare repeat those words on NBC Nightly news NOW (while sitting in for Brian Williams)when every single TV News journalist so eagerly repeated the drumbeat to war and at the same time virtually silenced those who opposed the RUSH to war. What a hypocrite.
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:05 PM
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Frank Luntz (Repug wordtwister) gave her an engagement party recently ... attended by Tweety among others. :puke: :puke: :puke:
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:06 PM
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2. Well, how did Boston Legal get on (last weeks program)..sometimes |
little things slip though..
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:17 PM
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3. I'm being frivolous.... |
But doesn't she have the strangest mouth? I get distracted from what she is saying watching the strange contortions of her lips.
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:36 PM
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4. 1. She's no journalist! |
NBC Spokesmodel Brown is quite the lightweight when it comes to real news - and I'm not referring to her near-anorexic figure. The WSJ today had a piece about who replaces Creepy Kewpie Couric over on Today. The article stated that Brown was propbably a longshot due to her "hard news" background!! The nonsense she babbles about is hard news now. Beautiful.
Jane Austin
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Mon Mar-20-06 07:51 PM
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5. I don't think she should report on the Iraq situation. |
She is engaged to Dan Senor, who was Paul Bremmer's spokes-bot during the Coalition Authority days.
high density
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:22 PM
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6. Yeah and Brian Williams calls it the "situation" in Iraq |
Too bad for everybody who died over there in this "situation."
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:34 PM
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