As we enter the fourth year of our 'cake walk' to Baghdad, our military has taken the brunt of it. These people are not some over-sized collection of GI Joe dolls. They're your brother and mine, your sister and mine. Your mother or father and mine. You and me.
As technologically superior as our military was and is, its human resources have been stretched to the limit and beyond. From the demoralized enlisted ranks, to the pissed off generals and admirals in the Pentagon, they're choosing to leave in ever increasing numbers, even as their abuse continues.
But the real question that's bothering me is what happens if we **really** need our military? We keep a standing military as a deterrent. And to be sure there are bad guy states out there. States that would love to take us on. And we have already demonstrated that we can be beaten. Not because our military is inferior, but because our military is led by stupid political ideologues.
What if Israel and Iran get into a squabble?
What if Egypt gets festering?
What if the Palestinians provoke other states in the Middle East to attack Israel?
What if Kim Jong Littleshit decides no one is paying enough attention to his malignant ass and lobs a missile or three at Japan?
Shit ... what if some state invades, say, Turkey, our fellow NATO partner?
Instead, we have a broken military with demoralized troops who have been so criminally overused.
Who will protect us from what we have witnessed ourselves become?
Fighting Terror Begins at Home. We MUST, in '06, turn out the enablers who wrought this mess on our country. Your well being and that of your children demands it.