These points are valid, but most Americans aren't listening. We are an ADD culture. Let's break it down to Lakovian metaphors:
The Republicans have all their old standby issues. Republicans: 1) We are against abortion and womans rights. 2) We are anti Gay.
Conservative ideology supports only traditional "strict father" values. Anything that stands a part from this is seen as diseased and must be limited or stopped. Allow abortions and more women will have sex out of wedlock. Give equal rights to gays and then people see this as an acceptable lifestyle.
3) We are pro military except when it comes to armoring soldiers or caring for them after they are hurt or wasting thier lives in Iraq. And we have no problem dissing soldiers records who run againts us.
According to Conservatives "The world is a dangerous place." There are scary people out there that we have to get before they get us.
4) We are Pro business... well Pro business elsewhere in other countries.
Conservatives believe in no interference by the government... (in theory) in business. No unions, no labor laws, few benefits. The market controls everything. If you fail to become rich, you are weak and worthless.
6) FUD.. Fear, Uncertainity and Dread. We will scare you to death in order to protect let you think we give a dam about protecting you.
Again, Conservatives believe that the world is a dangerous place. Fear is around every corner. This fear helps to fund the military industrial complex.
7) We are the Chosen party. The values Party. We talk to GOD!
"Strict father" types see those that do not follow their rules as immoral and deserving of their fate. Groups have often used God to empower their message. This has worked for good and evil... ie. MLK and Hitler. If you use God to preach hate of any kind, you are evil. God knows NO HATE. It is a human creation. (my modest opinion).
8) We trash the Constitution and are against activist judges except when they are activist judges on issues we support!
Both parties have been hypocrtical. This is more human than politics.
9) We are against those nutty enviromentalist... who want clean air and water for their kids. How dare they expect companies not to pollute!
See the response above about no government interferrence on businesses.
10) We are against Social Security and Healthcare/Medicare and etc.
People who cannot make it on their own are weak and diseased. They should be allowed to die. This is at the heart of the Conservative motto. There is no room for compassion here because compassion is viewed as weak.
11) We are for outsourcing your job to where people make 8 bucks per day. We are for turning the U.S. into a 3rd world country so we can compete. We will not protect the American middle class. Whats wrong with serfs anyway!
12) We are for unlimited 1HB so Corporations can pay those employees $13K less and drive down what they pay our U.S. workers. 13) We are for open borders and unlimited quest worker permits. Americans dont need jobs and they are lazy any way since they want to make more than minimum wage is now in real dollars almost half of what it once was.
All of these economic arguements can be summed up above, even better by Lakoff.
Simplify the arguement and you win the debate. Be patient too... it took the Republicans 30 years to turn the tide. Most young neo-cons have no measure of history so they do not know where their party came from or what has become of it. By: LiberalIncarnate on March 20, 2006 at 02:07pm