"Who does the president think he's F'in kidding"
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:41 PM
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"Who does the president think he's F'in kidding" |
Edited on Mon Mar-20-06 08:41 PM by joeprogressive
Keith Olbermann's response to Bush saying he never said there was a link between Saddam and 911.
God bless you Keith
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:43 PM
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1. I'm watching it 10 minutes later on TiVo |
Yup Olberman said it "who does the president think he's f'in kidding."
Olney Blue
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:43 PM
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:43 PM
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3. Well the easy answer.. About 34% of Americans |
But I have the feeling most of those 34% know they're being duped and are too proud to admit it.
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:44 PM
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4. Thanks. I wasn't able to watch tonight. |
I wonder who believes this crap? I guess the faithful 1/3 still buy it. Maybe a few more with a grain of salt.
I did hear on PBS that as they were reporting about the election in Belarus, they referred to our Imperial Blivet as "the worst terrorist in the world."
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Mon Mar-20-06 08:47 PM
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5. KO was on fire tonight |
He did Daily Show style cutaways with Bush* denying he'd ever said it (and saying he was "careful never to say it) and several speeches where he linked Saddam and 9/11
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Mon Mar-20-06 09:06 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:41 PM
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