GOP strength is racism , which may target Hmong anytime
GOP taxcuts for the rich now have wages lower than in nineteen eighty
Taxcuts for the rich necessitate service cuts by government : cuts to poice, fire, pothole repair, bridge repair, school repair, cuts to college aid, to vets, to active soldiers, cuts to sttate asylums {resulting in criminally insane left on the streets... not that all the mentally ill are a threat, but some are{...
the job shortage, a favorite of the GOP, causes the poverty that is the main cause of street crime and drug use.... GOP advises how to increase outsourcing of jobs
see sig on job shortage source links
taxcuts for the rich are used to form monopolies, which then hike the price on things you need
gop has NO plans for free doctors or pills. Twenty four nations outlive us. Nationalized health in Eng. and Germany have housecalls.
GOP goal is to destroy middle class wages.. Mexico is their goal for us. No midd class. Example.. Bush issued executive order, ending overtime pay.
Republicans bring Great Depressions... Democrats bring Clinton prosperities.
Dems brought the weekend. Gop works you overtime and no time and a half pay.