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15 min on democrats and why become one

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goddess40 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 09:24 PM
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15 min on democrats and why become one
This Thursday I have to make a presentation on who the Dem's are and why should someone join them. This is to a local Hmong organization and I'm on before the local republican weenie.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
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varkam Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 09:31 PM
Response to Original message
1. Because if you look at just about any measure of...
societal or environmental or economic health over the past few years while the rethugs have been in sure you can finish that one up by yourself.
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More Than A Feeling Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 09:31 PM
Response to Original message
2. How about pointing out all the people you have to hate
Edited on Mon Mar-20-06 09:33 PM by Heaven and Earth
to be a Republican?

It's very energy-consuming to hate so many people. Talk about how your daddy's Republican Party is dead.

With Democrats, you don't have to hate anyone, you just have to care about the future of the country, and want every American to have an equal share of it, regardless of who they are.
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 09:38 PM
Response to Original message
3. Democrats have always been the GOOD GOVERNMENT party.
They are more inclined to open the books to the American people, where Republicans work to hide as much they can from the public eye. This makes it easier to spread inaccurate storylines. How many wouldn't want to see open books on the Kennedy assassination, IranContra, BCCI and 9-11?

Republicans INSULT the intellect of the average American by talking in soundbites and slogans. Democrats RESPECT the voters by talking to them about solutions - solutions are not found in soundbites.
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Nite Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 09:38 PM
Response to Original message
4. Tell them to look around
and see what this country would be like if Dems had not been able to pass the laws that they have: Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, Labor laws, Family leave, Environment. The list could go on and on forever. Have they ever balanced a budget? How has the stock market done under dems (higher!)?

What has the Republican party done for them? Wars, taking away our fought for rights, scandal after scandal (Watergate, Iran Contra, not enough room to list this administrations scandals)
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 10:11 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Trickledown caused the Great Depression,
GOP strength is racism , which may target Hmong anytime

GOP taxcuts for the rich now have wages lower than in nineteen eighty

Taxcuts for the rich necessitate service cuts by government : cuts to poice, fire, pothole repair, bridge repair, school repair, cuts to college aid, to vets, to active soldiers, cuts to sttate asylums {resulting in criminally insane left on the streets... not that all the mentally ill are a threat, but some are{...

the job shortage, a favorite of the GOP, causes the poverty that is the main cause of street crime and drug use.... GOP advises how to increase outsourcing of jobs

see sig on job shortage source links

taxcuts for the rich are used to form monopolies, which then hike the price on things you need

gop has NO plans for free doctors or pills. Twenty four nations outlive us. Nationalized health in Eng. and Germany have housecalls.

GOP goal is to destroy middle class wages.. Mexico is their goal for us. No midd class.
Example.. Bush issued executive order, ending overtime pay.

Republicans bring Great Depressions... Democrats bring Clinton prosperities.

Dems brought the weekend. Gop works you overtime and no time and a half pay.
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 10:17 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. AAR. Give them a continuing source of info, for after your talk
Edited on Mon Mar-20-06 10:21 PM by oscar111
ALWAYS connect an audience to a continuing LW info source , so that your talk is not the end of their reeducation in LW ideas. Pass out sheets with the local frequency, and url for online listening, and also the url of democraticunderground's Latest Threads page.

Might also give out old issues of tHE NATION, THE PROGRESSIVE mags. And announce the subscripton address to all, as well. Mention four free issues now offered by THE NATION. IIRC.

you have never finished till you connect converts to a continuing source of info. Try also the free email newslttr from the dem party site.

try to begin your talk with these sources,... oft folks run out of time near the end.
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goddess40 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-21-06 08:04 AM
Response to Reply #6
7. Thanks
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