then someone better explain what exactly they do mean. Look at these! These are just from today. What else could anyone possibly conclude after looking at the events that occurred just in this one day? Check these out. Send them off to any doubters out there. This is just not acceptable. This information needs to be widely reported. If I hear one more disgusting, self-absorbed, kool-aide drunken, nitwit loving, ass-kissing idiot on television moan about how the media only reports all the bad things that are happening in Iraq, I think I will truly go ballistic. Maybe they should spend one day there with an Iraqi family, and then they could come back and tell us how rosy things are there.
03/21/06 Reuters: Four more bodies found in Baghdad
Four bodies with bullet wounds were found in the Hay al-Jamaa district of Baghdad, police said.
03/21/06 Reuters: Iraqi residents say bodies in video from U.S. raid
A video of civilians who may have been killed by U.S. Marines in an Iraqi town in November showed residents describing a rampage by U.S. soldiers that left a trail of bullet-riddled bodies and destruction.
03/21/06 Reuters (Update): Insurgents storm Iraqi police post -- 22 killed
Insurgents stormed an Iraqi police post and jail at dawn on Tuesday, killing at least 22 people, freeing more than 30 prisoners and inflicting another setback on the country's new security forces.
03/21/06 Zaman Online: 'Northern Iraq Ruled by Force and Fear'
The weekly news magazine, Time, wrote two parties ruling the autonomous Kurdistan region in northern Iraq restrict freedoms and the democratic process.
03/21/06 DPA: UN warns against mass exodus of Palestinians from Iraq
The organization warned against a mass exodus of Palestinians from Iraq, currently estimated at about 34,000, to escape attacks by Iraqi Shias, who reportedly have targeted the Palestinian community there in retaliation ...
03/21/06 MNF-Iraq: Iraqi and Coalition Forces pressing on in Salah ah Din
Combined operations between Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces began their sixth day in central Salah ah Din province March 21 ... Yesterday, two caches were found containing small arms, ammunition and IED-making materials.
03/21/06 Reuters: Iraqi police killed in Baqubah
Two policemen were killed and another was injured when a roadside bomb struck their patrol in Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
03/21/06 Iraqi Boy Facing First Of Several Surgeries
An eight-year-old Iraqi boy who was wounded by an American air strike will undergo the first of several surgeries to repair injuries sustained to his face. Abdul Hakim Ismael Hussein sustained burns ... and a lost eye.
03/21/06 NPR: In Basra, Anniversary Marked by Disappointment
Three years after the invasion of Iraq, one of its largest cities is beset by disappointment and fear. Residents of Basra say they feel forgotten by their own political leaders and embittered by unkept promises of help by the U.S. and British forces ...
03/21/06 WaPo: A roster of the Iraq insurgency
Iraq's insurgency is showing signs of increasing coordination, consolidation and confidence, those who study it now say. There is no consensus on the precise number of insurgent fighters, but estimates range from a few thousand to more than 50,000.
03/21/06 AFP: Iraq is 'bleeding' says US ambassador
The US ambassador to Iraq said Monday that Iraq is "bleeding" three years after the US invasion and militant groups are battling to exploit the country's power vacuum.
03/21/06 AP: Gunmen storm Iraqi police station, free prisoners
Insurgents stormed a jail about dawn Tuesday in the Sunni Muslim heartland north of Baghdad, killing at least 17 policemen and a courthouse guard. Authorities said all 33 prisoners in the lockup were freed and 10 attackers were killed in the battle.
Oh, yeah, and we're going to get out as soon as we can:
03/21/06 AP: Elaborate U.S. bases raise long-term questions
The concrete goes on forever, vanishing into the noonday glare, 2 million cubic feet of it, a mile-long slab that's now the home of up to 120 U.S. helicopters, a "heli-park" as good as any back in the States ...
Links to the full articles can be found here:, and one more thing. The site has listed three more American fatalities since 7:00 AM this morning. I'm tired of changing the numbers on my pin every day, and thinking about all the grieving families and friends each number change represents. This has got to stop.
End of rant, and thank you for your attention.