The neo-con faithful have now started on their new plan of attack, blame the media. Since the war started, Bush and the Republicans have tried everything under the sun to sell this disaster. But everything they have tried, has utterly failed, and now the old standard again is being trotted out. Daily, we hear the nasily, high-pitched screams of people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Beck, and others rail against the press for covering the "bad stuff", and not the "good stuff" about Iraq. Hell, if it were up to them, the only thing we would ever see or hear about, would be the one sided good news. They wail on and on, like a berserk chicken,(Hawk), trying to tell us that you cover only the bad news. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the press is covering the bad news, because that's all there is in Iraq these days. When the war started, the neo-cons didn't even want embeds with the troops saying that they would only end up wasting their time protecting them, and fighting a war. Then the screaming stopped when the troops were in Baghdad. We saw the Saddam statue fall, and people were so happy to see us. I didn't hear one conservative rail against the coverage then, but boy, they are railing against it now, when the American people see tanks being blown up, hostages being killed, mosques being attacked. Now it's why are you showing this?!! Can you say the word hypocrite??
Cry me a river all you neo-cons out there. Boo Hoo Hoo!!! The media is showing the bad stuff. No folks, it's called WAR!!!! Bad things happen in wartime. Soldiers get killed and wounded in wartime. The press is showing this because it's a story. What the neo-cons want is a World War II style war. the enemy being killed, American flags flying in the air, everyone pitching in to win the war. You know, patriotism!!!:patriot: Well, folks, those days are over. You wanted the war, well here it is, warts and all. Live with it you pathetic bunch of assholes.