The DSCC beat the RSCC.
Here is the Dem lead part: Trails Democrats in Senate Fundraising
The RSCC trails the DSCC in fundraising...that is Schumer."
The part I like the best is that for the 2nd month in a row, the DNC under Dean outraised the DSCC and DCCC. Their "combined" total is just a wee tad more than the DNC.Comment from Fire Dog Lake
"UPDATE II: Matt Stoller reports that fundraising for the DCCC and the DSCC is a bit down. Want to know why? The activist base right now is supporting 1) individual candidates, 2) Feingold’s Progressive Patriots and 3) the DNC, in pretty much that order. Want some of our money, Rahm and Chuck? Fight for progressive principles. The base will reward you."
And from a post by Brian at HEP blog"little information on the "inadequate" fundraising Howie's done at the
In February, the DNC raised $6.21 million vs. the RNC's $10.88 million,
knocking the RNC's advantage down to about 7 to 4. Even better, the DNC
actually banked more money than the RNC ($2,025,000 to $1,987,000).The DCCC and DSCC did combine to raise a bit more than the DNC in February-
$3,102,000 and $3,791,000, respectively, for a total of $6,893,000.
Also, dumpy old DFA (raising $201,305 in February) raised more money than
the PACs for John McCain, Russ Feingold, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, and
Hillary Clinton."" (that surprised me, guess it refers to Feb. only)
On Edit: trying to verify that last statement, the comparison to the other PACs. I know DFA did well, but haven't verified this myselfAnd from Matt Stoller at My DD , DSCC Money Problems
by Matt Stoller, Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:56:56 PM EST
From the Hotline:
Cmte Raised Spent CoH
RNC $10.8 $8.9 $40.8
DNC $6.2 $4.1 $8.9
NRCC $5.4 $4.3 $20.8
DCCC $3.1 $2.5 $16.3
NRSC** $5.5 $2.5 $14.5
DSCC $3.8 $1.8 $27.4
Combined GOP Cmte Cash-on-Hand: $76.1M
Combined Dem Cmte Cash-on-Hand: $52.6M
The DCCC and the DSCC aren't raising as much money as the NRCC and NRSC.
This is probably because the large dollar donors angry at Dean who flooded
to the committees have hit tapped out McCain-Feingold limits, and the
smaller donors aren't interested in supporting leaders like Rahm Emanuel who
are fighting tooth and nail against a coherent Iraq strategy"