Iam watching him right now with my TV Wonder USB Edition ,I always have C-SPAN on while surfing the net with this tool ,you simply hook up a cable line to it ,plug it into a USB on your PC ,download the drivers and software ,I've had the TV Wonder for over three years now and cant live without it Its made by ATI ,you can also get a PCI interface TV Wonder that probably gets better quality picture ,however mine seems good enough for me ! Anyway this gut is great,and everything he is saying about bush could not be more true ,they had their eyes on Iraq even B/4 he stole the election ,he was a thief B/4 he stole he election ,and bush and his henchmen are raping our countries economy. He should be impeached today ,actually should have never been in office period ! Imagine how much bettr off we would if Gore had been allowed to take office when he won the 2000 election ? Its a shame ,all of the yong men and women in our milatary that would stil have their lives to live, not to forget the thousands of inocent people both here and abroad that would still be alive .Our country would stil be repsected around the world instead of hated . We are now in more danger from another attack then we ever would have been ,Iam not sure that 9/11 would even had happen if bush was'nt selected to be our president by a fix put in for him by dear old dad !