"Compassionate conservatism," as we know, is as phony a notion as the Bush administration has brought us. More often than not, these "pro-life" Republicans would
rather people die than surrender their fringe beliefs. These "pro-family" Republicans would
rather keep children parentless if it means that hard-working, loving gay Americans won't be able to adopt. These "pro-women" Republicans would
rather young women suffer and die than move an inch on abortion.
Well, the latest example of "compassionate conservatism" comes from the National Review's
John Derbyshire:
"One doesn't want to be accused of inhuman callousness; but I am willing to confess, and believe I speak for a lot of ("To-Hell-With-Them-Hawks") (and a lot of other Americans, too) that the spectacle of Middle Eastern Muslims slaughtering each other is one that I find I can contemplate with calm composure," - John Derbyshire, National Review.