I don't understand how one can live a full life being so full of anger, hatred, and just general contempt of anything or anyone that disagrees with you. Here's some of the knuckledraggers comments on the rescue:
FreakRepublicTo: Echo Talon
I am glad these fools were released but hope they keep their mouths shut. So the torture/murder rate for this group was 25%.
I suspect we'll hear how their captors were kind and how the US is evil.
To: prisoner6
Apparently their little charade fizzled. Now get ready for the anti American "statements" from the released commies.
To: Dallas59
Except for the dead/tortured one. The comments praising his captors have to be left to his Quaker comrades in the States.
Sorry if this sounds harsh. These fools end up getting US troops killed.
I think we need to start calling these hostages "Sgrenas" after the horrid Italian communist whose carelessness and agenda got an Italian agent killed.
Of course, the Italians ended up charging the US soldier who defended the checkpoint for murder.
So - 3 Sgrenas released.
To: daybreakcoming
And since CPT was against military intervention to save them, if they'd like to go back?
To: daybreakcoming
I will be curious to hear whether the "prisoners" fought against being rescued or went happily.
Or if they have converted to Islam and now stick their butts in the air 5 times a day...
To: prisoner6
There is something about this group that just doesn't smell right!
My initial belief that this was staged still stands.
To: Dallas59
I ain't shedding any tears...Christian Peace Team can go to hell.
These people are like the leeches here in the U.S. They get everything handed to them on a platter and all they do is complain they aren't getting enough.
Excuse me while I go vomit then shower.