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Democrats see Northeast as ripe for picking...take aim at GOP House seats

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ProSense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 10:41 AM
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Democrats see Northeast as ripe for picking...take aim at GOP House seats

Democrats see Northeast as ripe for picking

Hopefuls take aim at GOP House seats
By Rick Klein, Globe Staff | March 23, 2006

WASHINGTON -- The Democratic Party is targeting at least 17 Republican-held House seats in the Northeast among its top races nationwide, seeking to use voter dissatisfaction with President Bush and congressional leaders to oust many long-serving GOP representatives this fall.

From Pennsylvania to New Hampshire, Democrats are hoping that this year's congressional elections will bring a regional realignment to Congress, similar to the 1994 wave that swept out Southern Democrats and helped put Republicans in control of the House of Representatives.

''For a Democrat in this area, the planets are aligned," said Michael A. Arcuri, a leading Democratic candidate to succeed Representative Sherwood L. Boehlert, a moderate Republican from central New York who announced his retirement last week. ''This district is a very moderate district, and it is clearly prepared to go to the Democratic side. . . . The priority of the Republican Party has never been the Northeast -- it just isn't."

Democrats need an increase of 15 seats nationwide to win the majority in the House -- a tall order with partisan redistricting plans leaving so few of the 435 House districts truly in play. In that context, Republicans who represent Democratic-tending states are tempting targets.

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skyblue Donating Member (724 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 11:03 AM
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1. This is the Big Picture
I hope we can get some new people in the House with the ratings for the thugs being so low. The insulation thing with Dems makes me think we can't get anywhere because we're hung up on 1 or 2 issues so I'm thinking that we'll miss our chance.
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Sullivan4Congress Donating Member (105 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 12:51 PM
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2. Inaccurate article
Klein implies that Jim Craig was drafted into a race against an unopposed challenger.

That's wrong.

Craig was pushed into the race by a handful of good old Dems who don't like the more free-speaking candidates in the field. Jim's a nice, tame Dem who won't say anything too provocative or interesting.

Too bad Klien didn't talk to anyone outisde of the DCCC northeast desk.
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