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NPR runs nice piece on weakening of the judiciary by the shrub club.

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bluerum Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 10:42 AM
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NPR runs nice piece on weakening of the judiciary by the shrub club.
Nina Totenberg, one of my long-time favorite NPR REPORTER'S - (Yes, this is a REAL reporter who digs for REAL news - Bill O'Piece O'Horse Dung-Riley please take note.) provides a great back-story & lead in to Tom Ashbrook's show today on Sandra Day O'Connors statements regarding the weakening of the independence of the judiciary and the attacks of right wing ideologues.

This was very refreshing piece to hear - but it is in the middle of a fund drive. It seems like they try to appease the left facing crowd during fund drives. I have been very disappointed with the fact that they have been providing a platform for right wing shills and mouthpieces.

If billboard owners can refuse to put up opposition messages, and TV stations can refuse to air political ads, NPR should stand up and refuse to provide air to the RW ideologues.
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Jeffersons Ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 10:52 AM
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1. NPR will never take sides
they offer both sides of a story... you know, just like real news. As for billboards, that's the newest acquisition target of Clear Channel. They want an Outdoor monopoly to go with their radio monopoly.

Clear Channel says, "Outdoor advertising is more than just billboards! Bulletins, posters, Times Square spectaculars, street furniture, airport displays, mall displays, taxi advertising, mass transit displays and mobile ads are just some of the advertising products Clear Channel Outdoor developed with your needs in mind."
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rurallib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 10:59 AM
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2. pretty much given up on NPR - especially the daily news mags
They took a right turn after Bob Edwards was fired. Last year they had a "discussion" on the future of social security between someone from the AEI and some other more right wing group. So that was pretty much it for me. The few times I do listen is when there is absolutely nothing else on, but I liten now with radar.
I would just like them to go back to their old style reporting. As Moyers once said let the story lead to the conclusion. I don't want to listen to 20 puff pieces and disguised RW pump stories to hear the occassional good story.
Is Innskeep still on Morning Edition? As I recall he was extremely annoying.
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