MS and LA helping to pay for Iraq War
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Thu Mar-23-06 02:57 PM
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MS and LA helping to pay for Iraq War |
Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 03:00 PM by BOSSHOG
Louisiana - 2.3 billion so far Mississippi - 1.13 billion so far New Orleans - 206 million so far
And yet the democratic governor of Louisiana (Kathleen Babineaux Blanco) has to beg for federal aid for hurricane relief. The compassion from bush is overwhelming. When (hopefully never) the next hurricane wreaks havoc on the gulf coast and closes the mouth of the Mississippi River for months republicans in congress will find out how important New Orleans is to the country.
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Thu Mar-23-06 03:04 PM
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1. What do the states have to do to prevent their guard units |
from being deployed to the war?
These states should declare that they can no longer afford to send money for the war because their states are still states of Emergency!!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:43 PM
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