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Tell Sen. Kohl: "I support Feingold"

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 04:56 PM
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Tell Sen. Kohl: "I support Feingold"
Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 04:57 PM by rodeodance

------- Original Message --------
Subject: Tell Sen. Kohl: "I support Feingold"
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:36:14 -0800
From: Eli Pariser, Political Action <>
To: xxxxxxxx

Senator Feingold's resolution to censure President Bush for breaking the law is resonating with Americans across the country. Sen. Kohl should be standing with Senator Feingold in this important fight.

Can you call Sen. Kohl and tell him to support the call to censure President Bush for breaking the law?

Senator Herb Kohl
Phone: 202-224-5653

Click Here

Dear MoveOn member,

Senator Feingold's resolution to censure President Bush for breaking the law is resonating with Americans across the country. With more than 400,000 of us signed onto the petition urging them to support his resolution, Congress is faced with a powerful call for accountability.

In response, the Republican National Committee is already on the attack, running ads accusing Senator Feingold of being "more interested in censuring the President than protecting our freedom."1 They can't defend President Bush's lawbreaking, so they're trying to intimidate dissent by changing the subject.

Senator Feingold is calling Republicans out for trying to sweep the president's illegal domestic spying program under the rug and he's standing up for our Constitution. Sen. Kohl should be standing with him in this important fight. Can you call Sen. Kohl and tell him that he should support the call to censure President Bush for breaking the law?

Senator Herb Kohl
Phone: 202-224-5653
District Offices:
Appleton: 920-738-1640
Eau Claire: 715-832-8424
LaCrosse: 608-796-0045
Madison: 608-264-5338
Milwaukee: 800-247-5645

Then, please report your call by clicking here:

Your call will make a big difference because many senators are still deciding how they feel about the censure resolution. It's a critical moment. Democratic senators must stand strong to show America that they're serious about government accountability. Republican senators must choose whether they support the rule of law when it means holding other Republicans accountable, or whether they'll always look the other way for their friends.

Republicans know the president broke the law and they know just how serious this issue is. That's why they're attacking Senator Feingold and desperately trying to change the subject to terrorism when this is really about accountability.

As Senator Feingold said this week, "The President has broken the law, and the censure resolution I introduced is intended to hold him accountable. Nobody says that we shouldn't be monitoring suspected terrorists. Of course we should, and we can under current law."2 This isn't about whether we track terrorists, it's about whether the Republican controlled Congress thinks its OK for the president to break the law without any consequences.

Regardless of party, it's important that your senators hear from you on this issue. If they're out of touch with their constituents, they need to know that.

We're going to personally deliver your signatures to your senators next week, but right now it's important that Sen. Kohl hear from you personally. Can you call Sen. Kohl today and tell him that he must stand up and lead the fight to protect our Constitution and the rule of law?

Senator Herb Kohl
Phone: 202-224-5653
District Offices:
Appleton: 920-738-1640
Eau Claire: 715-832-8424
LaCrosse: 608-796-0045
Madison: 608-264-5338
Milwaukee: 800-247-5645

Our country was founded on the idea that everyone—even the president—has to follow the law. Supporting censure is the best opportunity we've got to keep that ideal alive.

Thanks for all you do,

–Eli, Nita, Tom, Adam and the Political Action Team
Thursday, March 23rd, 2006


1. "RNC Releases New Radio Ad Entitled 'Censure'," Republican National Committee, March 21, 2006

2. "GOP to air ad criticizing Feingold for censure proposal," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 20, 2006

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fooj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 04:57 PM
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1. Will do.
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stillcool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 05:05 PM
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2. done....
and thanks for the heads-up!
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blm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-23-06 05:14 PM
Response to Original message
3. MoveOn's email is way better than that stupid Act for Change liefest.
Edited on Thu Mar-23-06 05:36 PM by blm
The only thing that bothers me is that censure is a good thing and I am all for it, but it should NOT be seen as a measure that holds Bush accountable, and no one should mislead the public into thinking it does. The wording that censure holds Bush accountable is just flat wrong.

Censure is a slap on the wrist and is NOT A LEGAL REMEDY that holds Bush accountable in any way. Impeachment is the only LEGAL REMEDY for a president who breaks the law.

That being said, I sign any petition to censure that Bush bastard.
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