"The terrorists want to control the oil. Our way of life will be at risk". George W. Bush (Nov. 2005)
Bush Regime Iraq Successes (Phase 1)
1. The Iraqi Regime will no longer sell Iraqi oil via the Euro.
2, A military foothold in the ME. other than Saudi Arabia.
3, No countries will be able to buy Iraqi oil that the U.S. disapproves of.
4. Slowing production of Iraqi oil garners more profits to US Oil Corps.
5.The Military Industrial Complex is a booming Industry.
Phase 2
“Iraq: Permanent US Colony”
Iraq: Permanent US Colony
By Dahr Jamail
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Tuesday 14 March 2006
“Why does the Bush Administration refuse to discuss withdrawing occupation forces from Iraq? Why is Halliburton, who landed the no-bid contracts to construct and maintain US military bases in Iraq, posting higher profits than ever before in its 86-year history?
Why do these bases in Iraq resemble self-contained cities as much as military outposts?”