Dear <pinto>
You would think that promising new research that could bring lifesaving cures to millions of Americans - and that reflects our best values and highest ethical standards -would be embraced by all leaders, regardless of political party. But sadly, that's not the case when it comes to unlocking the healing potential of stem cells.
Last year, Democrats and Republicans joined together in the House of Representatives to pass responsible legislation to stop the Bush Administration's obstruction of this vital research. They said that rather than allowing embryos to be thrown away, we should permit them to protect life, and aid those who suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, cancer, Parkinson's, diabetes and many other debilitating and deadly illnesses.
But that was a long year ago. And since then, Senate Republican leaders have joined with the President to allow right wing partisanship to stand in the way of promising new cures.
It's time for hope.
Millions of families are counting on us to make a difference for those who are seriously ill or injured. They want us to support ethical research that offers the promise of longer and fuller lives to their loved ones. A Senate vote is the only thing standing in the way of sending this bill to the President - and yet the Senate Republican leadership continues to stall.
The promise of stem cell research has gone unfulfilled for too long. Join the DCCC's call for a Senate vote, and bring hope to the American people: Senate leadership shelved the stem cell bill last year, assuring supporters it would be one of the first items this year to get a vote. Time is running out for those who are clinging to hope that stem cell research will provide the cure they need to extend their lives.
Strong support by our government is the only way to assure that the highest ethical standards are followed and that lifesaving breakthroughs will be passed on those who need them.
It's time for the Senate to do the people's business. Sign the DCCC's petition and tell the Republican leadership to stop obstructing stem cell research: is much to do in the coming weeks, and I look forward to working with you on a broad range of topics. But our goal is clear: bringing hope to the American people by restoring their faith in our government.
In 2006, we can take back Congress - but until then, we must hold the Republican leadership accountable. Thank you for your participation.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy