re-posted by suggestion from LoungeI saw "V for Vendetta" last night and I have to say, besides being an excellent movie with very current themes and ideas, this movie gave me more than a little pause for thought about the tone of the entertainment media that has been coming out in the past couple of years.
It seems to have started some time before the American Idiot album hit the streets and has grown more and more prevalent until, now, the media-scape is finally rife with material on the subject of uprising and revolution in the modern, western world.
In this movie the character Evie quotes her father as saying "Artists use lies to tell the truth." (anyone know if this is credited to the author of V or if it is older?) and this is so true. More and more artists in every realm are seeing what we see in the world around us and casting out the warning to those in power that, in the not too distant future, we are going to finally be tired of it and rise against them, bringing about a true New World Order without their tyranny and devastation. My hope is that those of us out there with the charisma and the leadership skills can harness this new openness to the idea of revolution and draw people in who both feel the same and are ready to make the sacrifices necessary to affect true change.
I hope to harness this trend both for the promotion of the revolution based fiction I am working on and to help spread true political revolution in this country. That being the case, I believe it is time for a sound off. I want to hear from anyone out there who has a truly revolutionary idea to share (more than just let's blow stuff up, or down with the regime). To set the tone, I'll kick it off:
I feel that we should amend the constitution to create a third house of the legislative branch wherein all US citizens are further represented by officials they elect from within the companies for whom they are employed (under certain stipulations). The existing system of lobbying congress with regards to legislation would be made completely illegal. I have been working with a group of like minded citizens in the NW who believe this may be an answer to some of the problems our government faces and we have well developed text for these amendments. What we need are people to believe in the ideas.
Interested? Have your own ideas? Then sound off DU, show me what you got!