Medicare Part D is the FEMA of Health Care
March 25th, 2006 @ 6:10 pm
In today’s Democratic Radio Address, Rep. Marion Berry of Arkansas said “the government needs to think long and hard about meaningful Medicare reform.” Berry, who is also a pharmacist said “Seniors need another six months to sign up for the Medicare prescription drug benefit.”
Berry said people eligible for the prescription benefit are confused by the various offerings, and some are even paying more for medicine now than they were before they joined the program.
“We need to extend the sign-up period by six months to give seniors more time to make sense of this benefit, and we need to eliminate the Bush administration’s prescription drug tax,” Berry said in the Democrats’ weekly radio address.
May 15 is the deadline for enrolling in the new Medicare drug benefit plan, which was enacted by Congress in 2003. People who sign up later probably will have to pay higher premiums.