to get people into the streets in masses...chanting, marching, and calling for an end to this immoral Iraq war.
Sure, a draft would cause the amount of public protesting to multiply by a hundred. Why wait for a draft, though?
Besides, for the people who think it would take a draft to stop this war, don't you realize that Bush is not going to introduce a draft? He and the Republican War Party know all too well that this war can run on cruise control for at least 3 more years just the way it is, as long as there is NOT a draft. He and the Republican War Machine know the benefits a long drawn-out war like this can mean for their economy. With this unethical war, the rich will get richer, as we're already seeing with obscene record-breaking profits of the oil companies. The only way the Bushco cronies introduce a draft is when they run out of all other options to keep their war machine going.
We shouldn't wait around hoping that a draft is what it takes to rile people up and out of their chairs to head for the streets. There are too many lives at stake, and we should already be riled enough without a draft being imposed.
It shouldn't take a draft for people to feel strong enough in their disgust of Bush that they can get away from whatever it is they're doing for a while and out into the streets carrying signs. Venting about the war online is a great, but we need to extend our protests into the streets for the sake of peace and the sake of our country.
It shouldn't take a draft for people of any age...but especially our young people...to stand up in defiance of such obvious evil.
No, it shouldn't take a draft to get people into the streets. All it should take is what's happened already and what's happening right now in front of our own disbelieving eyes. THAT is what it should take, not a draft.