Six months ago, we were convinced we would win, the Repugs were out of issues, they were out of everything. Corruption, Bribe taking, DeLay arrested. We watched Scooter get arrested. We were riding the top of the wave we thought we were undefeatable.
Now, six months later, We are far less convinced of our victory come this November. We watched the Repugniks gin up more issues that we swore six months ago they would never approach.
We said they would never ban Abortion, they needed the election issue, six months later, it's banned in South Dakota, and other states are following the lead. In another couple years, we will have to set up underground railroads to get women to a state where their right to choose is protected.
We said they would never go towards Immigration reform, they needed the cheap labor to run their businesses. We even said that Immigration would be a distraction from the real issues of Repugnik Corruption. Six months later, protests break out all over, the anti-war demonstrations even before the War in Iraq was a drop in the bucket. Today we maintain that the issues of War in Iraq are more important, despite the obvious preference of the public for Immigration discussions. We flushed our chances for a majority down the tubes, and maintain our focus on the scandals, instead of the issues.
One of my first posts was that we needed to tell people that we believe in the rights of the individuals, the principals of equal justice before the law. We needed to campaign on the progressive ideals, and was told that I was wrong, and needed more TIME and POSTS here to be taken seriously. I don't do the one word responses that many here do.
Half a million people turn out in Los Angeles, and we consider it a distraction. Students pour out of classrooms, and we demand that we focus on the ball.
Progressive Issues win elections, in the long run the Liberal ideals win the day. We abandoned those ideals, and those issues, and now when they smack us in the face, we decide it's a distraction from the real issues.
We have already lost in November, losing seats in Congress, because as a party we ran right, instead of standing firm on our principals. Doomed by our own narrow vision, we have thrown away the silver platter victory we were handed.