mean if anyone that works for Bush screws anything up, they get promoted and some even got metals. No one ever takes responsibility for any screw ups. I think Bush (after flying over LA 8 times) finally stated he was responsible for the screw up. Finally some improvement; however, where did all the money go? Red Cross seems to have allocated it differently again. They say that anyway.
Now, you can be an illegal alien and come into this country, get a job, a social security number, and a job. Bush says he is not rewarding people breaking the law; however, those that are already over here working (approximately 11 million) will be given a 5-year guest-worker card. They can now bring their families over as well. Bush claims they do the jobs American's won't do. Well to that I say, George Bush is an idiot. They do construction work, road work, they just don't pick fruit. They are welders, drivers (truck transport). . .just to name a few. They may be illegal but they will give fake birth certificates and social security numbers. They will be given the jobs first too because their employers will pay them as little as possible. Even some of our high-tech jobs are being sent to India, Pakistan, Honduras. Our manufacturing companies have moved out of the country, and China has purchased IBM. Oddly enough, IBM supplies our government with all of its computers. Even our Pentagon.
If this goes into law, does this mean that the employers will pay at least minimum wage? No welder is going to work for $5.70? or brick layer. They average near $20 an hour. However, if the guest worker will take the job with no benefits and low pay, who is still coming out ahead. They will even take the jobs at McDonalds (which is all we are going to have left). Even
Bush outsourced a lot of no-bid contracts for our military. They've robbed our government and military blind but you never hear anymore about it. Bush took us into an illegal war over false pretenses. Bush now wants to allow illegal aliens to stay in this country so they can do the jobs that "Americans" won't do. Also, will this include all aliens? For example, Chinese Aliens, Australian Aliens, Canadian Aliens, European Aliens?
I think Bush in his small brain looks at the hispanic vote he could gain for his party. But will it be worth it? Bush is thinking more tax money, more Social Security Money, etc. If this goes into law, we will have 12 million more people making the same as people from Wal-Mart not only trying to take care of themselves, but now bringing their families over. That means they would qualify for food stamps, Medicaid, heat assistance and possibly rental assistance. Also, when they file their taxes, they would qualify for the EIC. Making minimum wage puts one below the poverty level in this country. That means they would get all of their federal and state tax money back and the Earned Income Credit for each child. So really their Christmas would come around April 15th.
I understand wanting a better life for one's self and one's family. However, what I have been seeing on the TV with the protesting is really getting on my last nerve. The majority of the people protesting appear to be Mexican and are waving Mexican flags and screaming for their rights in this country (HUH?), and demanding for this law to pass, and speaking Spanish, and in broken English, "Viva Mexico".
I think this comment that Lou Dobbs posted on his site tonight fits all of this perfectly. It was a statement made over 100 years ago regarding immigration by Teddy Roosevelt. (snip)We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language (snip)
Also, if we have 12 million illegal immagrants in this country, we have no background on any of them. How many in their country were rapists, murderers, child molesters, small-crime criminals, gang members? I guess we'll find out over time, unfortunately.
Those out demonstrating are coming out like they are taking our country away from us. Where are the American flags? Why "Viva La Mexico," but no "God Bless America." Why screams demanding their rights in THIS country? Bush is rewarding people for breaking our laws.
Who could have ever imagined all the bad this administration has brought onto and into this country, plus the whole world is against us because the neocons felt that their needed to be a "Christian" in the White House. Well, if Bush, Falwell, and Robertson are what the Religious Right want representing Christ and Christianity around the World, then I want no part of that religion. However, I know real Christians, and because of the ones I know personally, I can see that these people are wolves in sheep's clothing. God Bless America.