It doesn’t matter that George W Bush is breaking the law, or breaking the backs of Americans. He will do what he wants anyway and flaunt it in our face. He already has. He is a globalist. He will never give up power. These people are not going to go away without a fight.
At the very least, he allowed 9/11 to happen It allowed him into Afghanistan, and provided a catalyst for Iraq. Which in turn will allow for an attack on Iran. His agenda is to create world chaos...a possible WWIII. We are already seeing talk of this nature. A war of that size will allow for massive destruction, and many deaths. The world will then have to reorganize..... This is key to the globalist agenda..
They know that tearing down America is the hardest thing they will have to do, but the most necessary thing to do. It will be difficult because they fear that Americans will fight back; But it is necessary to achieve world equality. An equality where the have-nots are reduced to slave labor. Just look around, the evidence is everywhere. They will tear down our borders, ship our jobs overseas, allow foreign countries to buy our assets . In order for globalism to be successful they must reduce the United States to a third world country. (remember Katrina and Dick Cheney’s comment that the “Katrina exercise was going well.”? They will destroy our economy, weaken our military and destroy our infrastructure. This is why George W is on the left when it comes to our ports and immigration. Let’s not forget NAFTA and CAFTA. It defies safety against terrorism, but it serves corporate rule and globalism very well. For crying out loud…there was an economist on Lou Dobbs last year who made the statement that America was heading for third world status!
George W is not the only globalist, Tony Blair is right beside him (as are many other world leaders) And why is it that Vincente Fox feels he needs to interject what the US immigration policies should be? Does that not seem just a little odd? All the pieces are starting to come together now. …ah yes….. Globalism baby!
We have the religious right in this country spewing their hate. They are being used as pawns on this huge globalist chess board. They keep us busy with their mantra and hate, They keep the fight between the left and the right going. That is important because it keeps us busy and preoccupied. We are always fighting them, and they are demonizing us, as evil, weak and despicable. They provide cover, distraction and gives the globalist leeway to maneuver without attracting too much attention. We all know that when something big is about to happen, they do their best to distract us. The media is their bedroom partner. Although the reporting is getting better, there is so much more that is not being talked about. And god forbid if we started agreeing with each other. Chris Matthews had Pat Buchanen and John Podesta on tonight. They were actually agreeing with each other about the war and Chris Matthews quickly put a stop to it by going to commercial and then changing the subject…can’t have us agreeing with each other….not an us vs. bush argument.
It is a dim picture indeed, but I feel that the people can eventually win. We have to come together in this, not as republicans and democrats, but as Americans willing to fight for our country. We must do what is necessary to stop the destruction of our republic. I know that as Americans, we love our country more than they could possibly fathom. They have not yet met the true wrath of the American defending our country’s soil. Although I believe there are some very good people in the Senate and the House; not all seems to be as it is. We must let all democratic and republican lawmakers know that we are aware of what the real agenda is .We understand the game plan….and they are either with us or against us. That is the way it must be, because we are protecting our country, our constitution, our bill of rights,and everything we believe in and what everything America stands for. In the end, WE WILL WIN, and it will be Americans that will have the last say, and America will stand tall once again....but it will be one helluva fight.