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What is the liberal agenda?

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TechBear_Seattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 11:45 AM
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What is the liberal agenda?
I'm reading this post and I found myself wondering... what would the liberal/progressive version be?

Let's brainstorm here. Come up with a list of up to ten items that you feel best describe the "liberal agenda." What is most important? Can the items be summed up a few words?
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TygrBright Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 11:52 AM
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1. I think it's much simpler....
...just four things, in fact.

1. Anyone willing to work hard for forty hours a week should be able to support a small family in decent housing, get health care when they need it, access quality education for their children, and plan on a retirement with dignity.

2. Our children and grandchildren should not be burdened with crippling debt, water that is unsafe to drink, air that is unsafe to breathe, and land that will not support or sustain life.

3. The Constitution of the United States promises certain rights; these rights apply to everyone in U.S. Jurisdiction, that promise should be kept.

4. We have an obligation commensurate with the amount of prosperity and resources we consume from the world, to give back value to the world and use our overwhelming power and prosperity responsibly, with restraint, and not for the sole purpose of further enrichment of our wealthy elite.

That's all. I'd be happy with that. That's my "liberal agenda."

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Mythsaje Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 11:55 AM
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2. Take a left
Don't panic.

Yes, I know there's a detour sign up ahead, but it's a fake. It was put there by a band of criminals who are trying to rob the armored car marked "U.S. Treasury." They set up the same detour back in '04, and, when the truck went right instead of left, they were waiting to ambush it and steal everything in the truck.

I know they're telling you there are "Godless Communists" lurking to the left, but they're just scarecrows set up to frighten you. The REAL "Godless Communists" are so ineffectual that they're little more than a running joke anymore.

What's REALLY around the bend if you take a left turn? Well, let's see.

-A way out of an unpopular war. Rather than appointing ideologues that base their decisions on what they'd LIKE to be true, the Democratic Party will listen to people with real world experience in dealing with actual warfare.

-Affordable Healthcare for all. Americans have admitted they'd like to be able to get medical care without going deep in debt in the process.

-A budget that makes sense. Yes, rather than spending billions of dollars we don't have, the Democratic Party will put a cap on spending and return some fiscal sanity to the government by cutting back on corporate welfare and making sure everyone pays their fair share.

-A TRUE coalition of the willing. With the Democratic Party in control, we'll be able to actually make and keep valuable connections to other countries to help track down, capture, and prosecute terrorists.

-Sound environmental policies. Instead of granting big corporations more power to poison us and our children, the Democratic Party will work to ensure that the water we drink and the air we breathe is clean and safe for everyone.

-Clean, renewable energy. The Democratic Party will create a new "Apollo Project" to seek new sources of energy to release us from bondage to the Oil Cartels and the profiteering of the oil companies.

-Self respect. America will finally be able to stand proud and say "we did away with rendition, torture, illegal wars of aggression and held the people responsible accountable."

-Privacy. The Democratic Party believes that the Constitution should be respected, and the 4th Amendment shouldn't be ignored on a whim.

If all of this sounds good to you, please ignore the detour signs and take a left in November.

If you truly want what's best for America and Americans, it's the best turn you could make.
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ret5hd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 11:56 AM
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3. judging from this week and last on DU...
i'd say the #1 item on the liberal agenda is attempting to incite a national race riot between hispaniccs and everyone else.

no, i don't really think that (of course). I do believe there are those that are paid to fan those flames though.
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Options Remain Donating Member (475 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 11:58 AM
Response to Original message
4. simple
employee rights (bringing corporate rights back into balance)
consumer rights (bringing corporate rights back into balance)
equality under the law (gender/race/sexuality/religion/etc...)
freedom of self determination (american dream)
freedom of religion
economic prosperity for all (not a select few)
by the people for the people (more representative government)
no war without cause
green energy
environmental preservation
responsible accountable transparent government
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AmyStrange Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 12:09 PM
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5. Renewable energy NOW not later...

and equal rights for everyone.

Also, cut taxes for the poor and raise taxes on the top 2% of the richest corporations and persons. Make THEM pay for their security. They have the most to lose (material wise anyway).

Legalize marijuana and use the taxes to help pay for health-care for all.

Make the money used to pay overseas (or outsourced) workers taxable and not a tax write off like it probably is now. The difference between triple the minimum wage in the US and what they pay the outsouced workers would be how much tax you pay.

Hopefully something can be done to make Wal-Mart part of this equation somehow,


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TreasonousBastard Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 12:17 PM
Response to Original message
6. Try these...
The State and the private sector are equals, and each has its own advantages for certain things, and those advantages should be exploited. The State and the private sector are not enemies, but are necessary for each other to survive.

The government derives its legitmacy from the people, and only the people, so their needs are paramount.

We are here to tend to the planet, not destroy it and mine it of every last ounce of value.

Religion and the State are not enemies and can work positively together. But, never should the state dictate to religion, nor should religion dictate to the State.

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0007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 12:42 PM
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7. A fair & equitable system for all Americans. Not for the pigs
Edited on Tue Mar-28-06 12:43 PM by 0007
that can afford to buy justice and hide behind their bibles.

Make CEO's work for their money.
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sinkingfeeling Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 12:46 PM
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8. The exact opposite of that. I can't see the responses on that thread,
but read what was there.
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Crunchy Frog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 01:05 PM
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9. Force everyone into gay marriages,
then make them all have abortions...whether or not they're actually pregnant.
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Savannah Progressive Donating Member (272 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-28-06 01:29 PM
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10. This is an easy question, with easy answers
First we have to realize what we are, and what we stand for.

1) Individual Liberty. Like Pornography is the inevitable abuse of free speech, Abortion is the inevitable result of individual liberty. Individual rights means more than abortion however, it means you can live as you like, within certain civilized limits. I believe it is best summed up as As long as you harm none, do what you will. (I know, it's one of the Wiccan Rede Beliefs)

2) Individual, and Corporate Responsibility. We are all responsible for the actions we take, and the decisions we make. Holding individuals, and corporations responsible for their decisions is a basic tenant of civilized society. We should take time to consider the effects of our decisions, and be held responsible for bad ones. The punishment should of course, fit the crime.

3) Encourage progress in science. By investing in alternative fuels, we increase the chance of a good stewardship of the earth, as well as the continued longevity of the species. By investing in health care, we increase the longevity of the species. Science holds many mysteries, questions that need answers, and those answer could hold great promise for the future.

4) Social consciousness. A society is inevitably judged by history on how they cared for the least among them. China is now suffering from that problem, as they continue to cast aside the lower classes for Capitalistic growth. We must assist those who need our help. Be it Medical assistance, housing assistance, or even sustenance, or food assistance.

5) Tolerance of different viewpoints. Under this administration, the art of Diplomacy, that by the way is mearly the ability to communicate respectfully with others, has suffered tremendously. While the nation may not go into conniptions over what France or Belgium think about us, even the most rabid Repug would have difficulty explaining why we shouldn't maintain channels of communication with people despite a disagreement on one or two issues. Tolerance of different viewpoints should exist here, yet we bashed up one side and down the other if we appear slightly liberal in politics. The less courageous among us run from this label like it's the kiss of death, and that is something that deserves a rant later.

6) Education Reform. We should reform the educational system to standardize the system from one region to another. We need a system that promotes excellence instead of adherence to local church groups demands that religion dictate education.

7) Reform of the Military. We see how much technology can save lives, we should contour to explore this, and research it. Reforming the military until it is a defensive only force, one that can bring terrible pain unto any attacker, yet produces no fear of invasion or arbitrary attack is preferable to massive standing armies around the globe, each neighbor awaiting the chance to invade the next.

8) Push for Globalized agreements on Justice, Health, and security. By working with the world, we can make it possible to eliminate terrorism. An international referendum to call on nations to vouch for the Passports held by individuals. If the individual is a known, or suspected terrorist, don't issue a passport to them. This limits the travel opportunities within the rest of the world, and makes it difficult to train in one area, and attack in another nation.

9) World Health reform. The outbreak of the Bird Flu, after the previous international bugs that have made the news for the last several years clearly demonstrates the need of reformed world health. Standards set higher for national health at the international level makes sense when the diseases in question respect no boarders. We can work with the world, and reduce, or even eliminate the number of plagues that sweep across the globe on what appears to be a daily basis.

Finally, 10) Tax Reform. A progressive tax is obviously logical, but needs to be seriously reformed. It should be a progressive system that reduces, or eliminates that loopholes that give corporations huge advantages over common individuals. Tax the income, certainly, and at a progressive rate, the more you make, the more you pay. As you reach the hundreds of millions of dollars a year in income, certainly you should be able, and willing, to pay more than the guy who flips burgers at McDonalds. Under our current system, only those with money to pay for Accountants, Lawyers, and hire former IRS employees have a hope of coming out of the Tax year with their skin intact.

Now, who would be willing to run on any of these, much less all of them? No one, because the Press would filet them in minutes, not hours. We would be demogogued and demonized in no time, and our message would be drowned out by the "Your a Liberal" scaremongering from the Right.

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