We hate George Bush, and we hate every single member of his utterly horrific team. We, the patriotic dissenters, have kept our voices alive for 5 long years now, trying to convince the world that we were right, and the chimp was wrong. And now, finally, after the Teflon lining has begun to disintegrate, people are finally aware, and are as mad as hell. Every true Democrat, almost every Independent, many libertarians, and even some Republicans can now see beyond the Kool-aid and are waking up to the true reality--a world where everything is upside down, where George Orwell was right, where the inmates are surely in charge.
But we can't do shit about it. The people chose this nightmare for themselves, based on lies, propaganda, slander and with complete control of all branches of the government. They preyed on people's weaknesses, insecurity, fear and outright intolerance and hatred, and turned our fair country into a repressive, theocratic, fascist regime. And it only took them five years to do it--an eternity for those of us who watched our country get sucked down the drain.
Yet, while conspiracies abound, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while women are once again nearly relegated to sub-citizenship, while minorities like those from the Middle East are rounded up and accused of being spies, terrorists and personae non grata, where the environment loses and huge corporations win, where white collar criminals who steal millions and millions are given sentences at "resort" prisons and "common thieves" are given life sentences in maximum security prisons, and where those who might speak up against this corrupt regime are silenced by threats and intimidation, we are not going to escape until we can actually do something about it.
And where and how will that be, folks? We keep citing the November, 2006 elections as our chance to change things. We did the same thing for the 2004 Presidential election--we were certain we would win, we were certain we could wrestle back our government then and bring this fascism to an end. But we forgot to ask our enemies to be honest. And dishonesty was being such a major asset to the right that they didn't even bother to consider it. 2004 was no exception. Wally O'Dell had promised he would deliver Ohio to the regime, and by golly, by hook or by crook, he did it. Diebold lied--the victory was given away by those who silently assented to the final Ohio vote.
So how is 2006 going to be in any way different than 2004? How are we expected to take back the Senate and the House when the enemy is willing to cheat, lie, slander, libel and intimidate people in our country to vote for them as the lesser of two evils? Yes, they say, we're corrupt, but if you vote for Democrats, they will ensure the terrorists blow us up again. WE know it's not true, and instinctually many voters also know this is false, but emotionally, the right has them by the throat, and they will bow down and accept their continued hazing as though they were freshmen pledges in a fraternity or sorority.
And if that happens, we will still be under the crush of the right wing, still watching our country turn to shit, still hoping that the "next election" will be "the one" where things change. We will see our children being turned into autonomic little freepers, watch as their minds are molded to the fundamentalist and creationist mindset, and watch as the cold-war U.S.S.R. tactics are here instead of "there" and we dare not question authority at all. It might not read as "martial law," but it will be the same. We who choose to dissent will be silenced in one way or another, atheism and agnosticism will be the new "Jews" and those who practice aberrations of the Xtian faith will be sent to "camps" or "mental hospitals" or some other top security facility where old fashioned lobotomies will be performed on us. Perhaps that's a little "dramatic," some would say, but we've seen nearly as such in the past 5 years--things we can not truly see now because we are too close to the problem ourselves. But regardless of how horrific it sounds, it doesn't really matter anymore.
Why? Because George W. Bush will not be running for president in 2008. Do you really think he gives a shit about what happens in the next three years? Even if, by some miracle, we gain back the house and senate and try to impeach him and Cheney, they are still the winners. And with the citizenry faced with the continued "persuasion" of the right, our dreams to get the country back on the right track is froth with horrible dangers, especially the lies and the tactics of the right to keep people from voting their consciences.
We can not win, even though we might score a few small victories here and there, because the right has managed to brainwash enough of the voters in our country with so many lies that they will never see the truth. They already have much of that brainwashing right in front of them--Fox News plays completely to the voters' egos, their insecurities and their prejudices. Bill O'Reilly, Rush, Hannity and such others prey on their pettiness, their desire to be above the fray, their need to be "right" in a world that's wrong. The people can not see how they have been manipulated, they can not see how they are little more than pawns in the greater scheme of things, and they can not understand why they are being ignored once the party is done with them.
The perception that we might win this year in terms of taking back parts of our government is a false one. We have been seduced by the right enough that regardless of what we do, who we elect, the great neo-con machine has launched and it is a juggernaut which is currently unbeatable.
It will be many years before we can put our country on the right track, and even then, there is little doubt in my mind that we will be able to do so. We, the people of this United States, have allowed the wrongdoers to do this to us, some blithely, some with fierceness, but regardless of how we categorize them, they have the ability to shape our future to their ends in ways that we might never consider because our consciences would bother us too much--something the right doesn't have a problem with.
So what if we hate George? George can't be re-elected, so the right will create another puppet to do its bidding for them--someone who will be blackmailed in some way, or who, like Georgie, is evil and a psychopath to begin with.
It is not fair, and we know it. But it is truth. And while we might want to keep hope and sanity in our hearts and minds, we must also face the possibility that the enemy has managed to take the mile and not the inch. If we really hope to bring these criminals to justice and take back our nation, we must learn their tactics, and we must, albeit grudgingly, do the same thing. For, with well over 200,000,000 people in our country, we are currently in the minority as far as morals are concerned. We might have high hopes and the proper reasons to win, but unlike in fiction, evil wins more than its fair share of wars on planet Earth.