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Subject: 1st GOP election loss of 2006? Call from home to get out the vote
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 12:05:49 -0800
From: Adam Ruben, MoveOn.org Political Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org>
To: xxxx
Francine Busby is a progressive in a special election for Congress in 2 weeks. Can you call voters in her CA district to help Busby take back the first Republican seat of 2006? To volunteer from home:
Sign up
Crashing the Gates
We'll send 250 volunteers who contact the most voters in the next 2 weeks a free copy of the great book just published, "Crashing the Gate: Netroots, Grassroots, and the Rise of People-Powered Politics." Markos from the Daily Kos blog and Jerome from MyDD make an impassioned case for the kind of work we do together—bottom-up online politics.
Dear MoveOn member,
In the next two weeks, we can elect a new progressive to Congress—and set the stage for winning back the House in November.
Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-Calif.) took huge bribes and went to jail. On April 11th, there's a special election to fill his seat and progressive Democrat Francine Busby has a great chance.
Will you make calls from home to voters in her district? If 10,000 of us call 30 voters each—only 2 hours of calling—we can help her win and hand Republicans their first defeat of 2006. Sign up to start calling tonight or tomorrow night:
http://political.moveon.org/phone/volunteer?cmt=30&id=7137-1192549-HEEGA6WF8rd9I7mRwsBKzQ&t=2If you can be on the phone (land line or cell) and on your computer at the same time, you've got what you need to make calls. Our website will give you voters to call and tell you what to say so you can get started in a few minutes.
Here's how most MoveOn members felt about our similar calling program in 2004:
"It was a remarkably easy way to get involved and feel like I was accomplishing something for a cause I felt strongly about."—Kathryn S., Congers, NY
Making calls to voters is an approach that's proven effective. And while the Republicans rely on expensive TV ads and direct mail attack fliers, our plan uses people power—we all just pitch in for an hour or two and we can win. We'll give you calling tips, background on the race and everything you need to feel confident.
California's 50th district leans Republican so Francine Busby faces an uphill battle, but a new poll shows her far ahead of the nearest Republican candidate and working toward the 50% she needs to avoid a runoff election.
Corruption is a major issue in the race, and Busby has been pushing strong reforms to clean up Washington. She opposed the war in Iraq from the start, and her other priorities include environmental protection, health care reform and securing reproductive choice.
MoveOn members have contributed nearly $125,000 to Busby's campaign and now your phone calls can get out the votes she needs to win the seat. Equally important, we're using this campaign to conduct a series of experiments that will help us hone our voter contact plan for the November elections, when we plan a much larger program of phone calls to win back the House.
Help Busby win, help MoveOn plan for the fall elections, and help take a seat away from the radical and corrupt Republican leadership. Sign up now and start calling today:
http://political.moveon.org/phone/volunteer?cmt=30&id=7137-1192549-HEEGA6WF8rd9I7mRwsBKzQ&t=3Thank you.
–Adam, Roy, Jennifer, Carrie and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
Tuesday, March 28th, 2006
http://political.moveon.org/?id=7137-1192549-HEEGA6WF8rd9I7mRwsBKzQ&t=5Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.