In 2003, Card's second cousin Susan Lindauer apparently left a letter at Card's home offering to act as a intermediary in order to resolve growing tensions between the US and Iraq. Federal charges were filed after Card notified authorities. The rightwing noise machine loudly (and incorrectly) claimed she was accused of espionage, and the corporate media largely echoed these claims. No trial has resulted: instead she was sent to a psychiatric institution for evaluation, where she is apparently still being held, although her release date is now long past.
... The exact charge was that she acted as an unregistered agent of Iraq, something akin to an unregistered lobbyist. Although news headlines frequently refer to her as "accused spy", more precise journalists note that the actual charges carefully avoid accusing Lindauer of espionage ... Mostly unnoticed, a New York federal judge has found her incompetent to stand trial and ordered further evaluation. She is being held past her scheduled release date .. and, she tells friends, might be forcibly medicated as part of her treatment ... The indictment reads more like being an unregistered lobbyist, and .. the Justice Department went to some lengths to dramatize it. It remains to see whether .. it will stand up before a jury ... There are other examples of lobbyist laws being used to stifle initiatives of dissent in recent years.
The judge sent her to Carswell for observation. It seems that the only psychiatric interviews that have been conducted are with employees of the Justice Department - her acusers. She is sane enough to be asking for a day in court to confront her accusers before a jury ...
Why should any psychiatric observation require revocation of rights to bail and a speedy trial? Wouldn't anybody be a bit unhinged after spending four months in a looney bin, and then having the promised release jerked away? ...