A big $5.15 a hour ! A Woman with a few children would get more money by going on welfare ,and really would have no choice ,should she work some labor intense job ,just to pay for child care .Having some stanger raising her children ? Even if I was a single male ,instead of a married male with 2 young children , minimun wage would be a futile attempt at making a honest living that would make any sane person go insane ! And we wonder why peole crack and go crazy .I live in California ,and I believe the minimun wage is $7.25 per hour .With the cost of living in the San Francisco Bay area ,you would be homeless and living in your car with a income level of $7.25 per hour . I work in sales at $13.00 per hpur plus commision and I still cant get ahead ,live month to month, We put out $800 per month in health care alone. Rent for a two bedroom apt is around $1400 a month ,and thats outside the city ,in San Francisco you would pay that for a studio ! Our country under this President is quickly become a country of he haves and have nots .The middle class is diappearig on a daily basis ,as people beconme one or the other .The five beroom home my parents purchased in 1972 for $48,000 , are now selling for $900,000 plus ! Dad always said ,should have bought the whole block ! The first step in the area I live in is offering affordable housing to people ,once in awhile when a new track of homes are built the city willl make the builder offer several of the houses at below market price ,for those seven or so homes ,there will thousands of peope applying ,they do a lotto and some lucky family gets to buy a $600,000 house for $200.000 ,only catch is the city puts a limit on its value appreciatiion ,in other words if you go to sell after five years or so ,you cannot sell it for the market value, the city puts a percentage of appreciation thats not as big as market price .I still would jump on one of those new homes ,I just want a nice house for my family ,not looking to get rich off it ,just a decent place to live and raise my kids,still be able to have a life with out being a slave to a giant morgage payment ! I could keep going ,however I believe m RANT is long enough ! Good Luck to My Fellow Americans NicRic