in Las Cruces, NM.
They called me about a meeting to help a Dem challenger to a 6 term state legislator. Having just got this creep's mailing about the session, I was ripe for an outlet. This is a Repug who crows about his "positive actions" at the same time he's telling me that 79% of the births in the county are to teenage girls. (How effective abstinence-only is!)
Anyway, I learned a lot about the PVA. I had seen an article about them in the Grassroots Press a while ago but didn't know what was going on. Well, it turns out they have had over 80 people at their meetings and they have an action thing each month. Like saving BLM land, recycling, etc.
Anyway, these are folks "leftover" from the 2004 campaign who are not "regular" party Democrats. It's about the grassroots. The party's nominee for CD 2 is going to be a no go, so PVA is committing to gaining two more state house seats.
This looks like a spirited group and I can't wait to go to the next meeting! Could it be possible that I've found a home???
Check them out at www.pva-nm.org to see what's cooking!