In the GOP world, everyone must conform to their view of how things should be. However, once you've been admitted to the GOP's inner sanctum, the rules change. You can then make the rules. And it's perfectly OK to make them up as you go along, once you're accepted as one of the GOP elite.
In the name of Christianity, you can lie, cheat, steal, have adulterous affairs, divorce, condemn others, discriminate, perform crimes against humanity, and that's OK. Because you're making the rules.
You lie to people and tell them you're a Christian. You don't have to do any of the things Christians do, you just say you're one and that's good enough. The fact that The Bible, the book that Christians use to guide their lives and beliefs, is for the most part ignored by the GOP elite is also made an exception. Apparently they have a different version of The Bible that the rest of us don't know about. It gives them, and them alone, special instructions on being a good Christian.
You condemn any and all who do not agree with you or support you. You label them as terrorists, sinners, morally corrupt individuals who are condemned to go to hell for all eternity. In reality, the condemned are none of these things, but they are labeled that way anyway, and the Christian flock, wary of being thrown into one of these groups, tags along blindly.
You make the people believe that you are answering to a higher calling. You are protecting them from evil - terrorists, people who want to force their agenda on the populace at large, etc. The fact that the GOP elite are viewed as terrorists from around most of the world is not factored in to this. The fact that gay people only want the same rights and considerations as anyone else is also not a consideration. They condemn these things, even though as they do they are doing much worse.
This is why in the minds of the GOP Christians, it's perfectly OK for them to judge and condemn others. They can break every one of the Ten Commandments and still go to heaven, but if you don't agree with them and support them, you are a sinner and will go to hell.
Why mainstream Christians allow this to happen is anyone's guess. In a normal world, under normal circumstances Christian leaders would come together and denounce this behavior as anti-Christian, and as going against the teachings of The Bible and of Jesus Christ. But for some reason, they remain silent. Perhaps out of fear of being labeled a terrorist, who hates America.
The Bible has warned us of these GOP Christians. We have been advised to beware of a wolf in sheep's clothing, and were told of false prophets. But it does no good. The things that the GOP Christians do are so horrific people cannot fathom the evil, so they choose to believe it cannot be so. In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the mainstream Christians allow the deceit and destruction to continue.
It is not too late to save America, but people must start protecting their rights and liberties, they must start questioning the authority figures who are not abiding by the laws of the land and the teachings of The Bible. They must stand up for what they know in their own hearts to be right. When that happens, and there's a growing movement that indicates it is indeed happening, we will see the evil doers among us be exposed.
Exposing the evil for what it is will be the first step toward restoring America's values, integrity, and leadership in the world.