his family. His grandfather founded Federated Investors - worth conservatively $60 B I L L I O N DOLLARS.
This 26 year old candidate for the PA House of Representatives, Mike Dolan, has a history of 6 arrests for underage drinking, public drunkenness, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. He tried to get his criminal record expunged (wiped clean) last year but failed. Expungement of criminal record is a case by case decision by the Governor, and the reviewing board looks for a minimum of 20 years of sterling behavior, including usually significant UNPAID public service (boy scout leader, elder in a church, etc.) So this trust fund baby had the balls to try to buy an expungement at the ripe old age of 24! His fellow prep school students (St. Edmund's in Pittsburgh) report he had multiple trust funds with many millions of dollars in each while a student there.
He is papering every houshold in the district with glossy promotional mailings every 3rd day. He's never held a job except as a "vice-president" of one of his billionaire dad's companies.
Now if a candidate's limitless campaign money came from his grandfather, a Mafia godfather, and his Dad, the consigliere, the news would make much of it. Well, what about if the money comes from white collar crime. Just last November, the Securities and Exchange Commission ordered 3 affiliates of Federated Investors, Inc. to pay $72 million of it's "ill gotten gains" back to the funds they defrauded/cheated, starting in 2002.
The beauty of this is that a disgruntled local GOP undertaker whom the GOP committee bumped out of the way for this kid, is phoning every GOP & Dem voter in the district to inform them about the kid's criminal record, vast wealth and private jet. Good thing, because clearly this kid sees this as an entry ticket to run for US Senate and perhaps follow his buddy Bush into the White House. Oh yes, at the age of 24, this kid gave $25,000 to the Republican National Committee
In conclusion, you are quite right - $150,000 is mere pocket change to these people. I repeat, anyone who depends on their pay check to make a living is the worst kind of fool if they vote GOP.
The excellent Dem candidate running against this GOP trust fund baby, is Shawn Flaherty - with 20+ years experience as an attoney, specializing in property tax relief for homeowners - a very key issue the legislature is currently grappling with. Check him out at: www.shawnflaherty.com