Finally the truth: Marilyn "swift boat" Musgrave will stop at nothing to retain power.
Some of you may have read about the baseless ethics attack against me a few weeks ago. After the whole story came out, three facts became clear:
1. The claim against me was baseless and contrived.
2. Musgrave and her donors orchestrated and paid for the smear campaign against me.
3. Musgrave was actually guilty of the exact ethics breach that she accused me of!
Read the whole story in the Rocky Mountain News (click here), and the Rocky Mountain Collegian (click here).
Further, over the last four months, I have sent out five press releases that highlighted the horrible votes Musgrave has made in Congress. Recently, Musgrave has voted to:
- restrict funding for American port security
- increase mercury levels that put pregnant women at risk
- raise taxes on middle-class families
- increase student loan rates on college students and their parents
- allow torture in the American military.
Despite these votes, Musgrave refuses to discuss the issues. Instead, her goal is to attack me and distract voters away from her record. I call this "swift boat" politics, and I'm calling her Marilyn "swift boat" Musgrave.
I need your financial contributions to fight Musgrave's attack machine.
Please contribute by clicking here.
I have a message of hope and opportunity, but I am fighting one of the most well-funded, corrupt, and right-wing politicians in America. Despite Musgrave's power, I can win this race! Musgrave squeaked by in 2004 with just 51% of the vote.
We must win this race to ensure that the next Congress fights for issues we care about like:
- affordable healthcare and education
- broader economic opportunity
- a solution to the quagmire in Iraq
- ethical leadership in Congress.
I recently received the endorsement of prominent Colorado leaders including:
- U.S. Senator Ken Salazar
- U.S. Congressman John Salazar
- U.S. Congressman Mark Udall
- former Colorado Senate President Stan Matsunaka.
I also received the prestigous endorsement of the AFL-CIO. The stars are aligning to take back the 4th Congressional District of Colorado.
On March 31, Democrats and Republicans have to report their fundraising totals for the first quarter. I urge you to make a secure, online contribution now.
A contribution of $250, $100, or $50, or whatever you can give, will make a huge difference. Please click here to contribute.
This race is going to be a slug-fest. The winner will be the "last woman standing." And trust me, I'm a fighter.
I will not back down from Musgrave's attacks. I will stand up to her "swift boat" tactics.
You can put your money on me!
Thanks for your support!
Angie Paccione
P.S. Your contribution today of $250, $100, or $50 will make a big difference in this campaign. I need your help to meet my fundraising goals for March 31st! You can contribute online by clicking