This is a classic example of competition for limited resources. When our government siphons tax revenues for its obscene oil wars, gives corporations and wealthy benefactors huge tax breaks, rewards companies for moving jobs away from our shores, and so on, what does that leave us with?
That's really what this is all about: who gets the scraps. And, as long as we are distracted by this fight over the scraps, they'll be able to continue to cut funding for health care, education, and the other basic services that our hard earned tax dollars should be subsidizing for all of us.
We need to keep our collective eye on the ball and not let the neocon robber barons define what it is that we should be angry about. I don't even want to consider arguments for or against guest worker programs, amnesty, fences, militarized borders, or any other solutions to the so-called problem of illegal immigration until AFTER we've held our government to account for the crimes of outright theft that they are committing against US.
There's plenty for all of us, if tax revenues are properly administered and other resources, such as jobs, are safeguarded. And I suspect that, while the issue of illegal immigration may stay on the radar, it won't seem nearly so terrible, once we are assured that our own basic needs are being met and the future is secure for our children.