It develops when they have been so poisoned by the Kool-Aid that there exists no hope of their ability to discern and speak truth. Nobody with this disease has ever been known to recover.
I know someone like this. She is so afflicted that, if B*sh, himself, put a bag of burning dog poop on her doorstep and rang the bell, she would tell you that his action was in the best interest of the country. And she can never argue against anyone on the left without resorting to ad hominem attacks. For example, Joe Wilson didn't just go to Niger. He went on a tea-sipping trip to Niger. This is to say that Ambassador Wilson is so ineffective that the most he accomplished, while there, was taking tea with his hosts.
Seriously, what is wrong with people like her? Does the possibility that they might be wrong represent some sort of life threatening risk to their egos? Is that it? And what has made them so rigid? I know, from talking to this woman that, at least to some extent, she perceives herself as having been bullied, as a child. But I could say the same thing about myself. And the thing is, she's not stupid. She's pretty bright, actually, but she uses her brain to torture out the most ridiculous conclusions from the political news that she reads. To hear her defend the outing of Valerie Plame is to listen to an exercise in absurdity.
I can't help but think that this woman and her co-B*sh aplogists are permanently deluded with no hope of recovery, whatsoever. They have terminal bushbotulism.