Want Warnings Taken Off Drug Ads
The Associated Press
Friday, March 31, 2006; 12:45 PM
WASHINGTON -- Saying "less is more," a coalition of advertising and public relations groups
wants to strip most of the warnings from prescription drug ads aimed at consumers.
Current direct-to-consumer advertisements "over warn and under inform," according to a petition submitted Friday by the Coalition for Healthcare Communication to the Food and Drug Administration. "The result is more confusion than communication."
"Our goal is simpler, clearer messages that communicate both the risks and benefits of prescription medicines, more informed doctor-patient dialogue and improved patient compliance," said John Kamp, executive director of the coalition.
The organization represents trade associations specialized in medical advertising, communications, marketing and publishing. It also receives some financial support from the drug industry.A consumer advocate countered that prescription drug ads should contain clearer, not less, language."To pull away or remove those fine details, we are against that. I guess we are saying, 'more is better,'" said Bill Vaughan, a senior policy analyst at Consumers Union. "Have the key facts up front, but some of us would like to read to the end to be aware of the consequences and be
sensitive to some of the things we might want to report to our doctors."
The Coalition for Healthcare Communication suggests in its petition that consumers
would be better served by skimpier ads that still relay enough information to prompt them
_ without scaring or confusing them....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey? Forget-about-it!! Don't worry your empty little head!!
"The less you know, the better!!" Big Pharma says so!!!