Okay, this is clearly the wrong thread for this so I won't fill it up with pro-gay crap. But one thing first.
We all want the DEMs to succeed and take back or at least restore balance to the govt. But GLBT's are real people and here is the latest:
Gay Activists Confront Democratic Senators
by Lou Chibbaro Jr.
Monday Mar 27, 2006
Eight Democratic senators listened to complaints last week from gay activists that they and their party colleagues have hindered progress on gay rights, according to several participants in the meeting. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) was among Democratic senators who met with gay activists last week and heard criticism that their party’s positions on gay issues were often ’tortured’ and ’hair-splitting.’ The activists say that by remaining passive or by taking ambiguous and "tortured" positions on same-sex marriage and other hot-button gay issues, the senators and other Democrats are hurting the gay rights movement.
The sometimes-blunt remarks by the activists came at a March 16 meeting on Capitol Hill organized by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) in her role as chair of the Senate Democrats’ Steering & Outreach Committee. The meeting was closed to the media and public.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also attended, along with leaders of more than 20 prominent gay rights and AIDS organizations.
"We talked about the way appear to be largely passive, doing nothing affirmative on LGBT issues in ways that actually are problematic for us and harmful to the work that we do," said Kevin Cathcart, executive director of Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, who was among the gay leaders who spoke at the meeting.
Cathcart said he told the senators the gay and AIDS groups appreciated the Democratic senators’ overall support on gay and AIDS related issues. But, he said, he also told them that gay leaders were worried that Senate Democrats and the party generally were not responding in a visible and assertive way to attacks against gay marriage and other gay rights efforts by conservative Republicans and conservative religious advocacy groups.
"Particularly the rhetoric they use around the things like marriage, where instead of advocating for fairness and inclusion, they actually advocate discrimination," Cathcart said.
Cathcart was referring to statements by most Democratic senators, as well as most Democratic members of the House of Representatives, that they oppose gay marriage but support civil unions or domestic partnerships as the best means of strengthening same-sex relationships.
Howard Dean, chair on the Democratic Party and a former presidential candidate, has also said he opposes gay marriage while supporting civil unions.
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the party’s presidential nominee in 2004, was not present at the meeting and he, too, backs civil unions, even supporting an amendment to his home state’s constitution that would ban gays from marrying.
Jim Manley, a spokesperson for Reid, said the meeting was part of the Democratic senators’ regular outreach efforts to constituency groups, including gay and AIDS groups. He said the meeting marked the third time the Steering & Outreach Committee has met with gay and AIDS group representatives during the past four years.
"These are important meetings for Senator Reid and the committee," Manley said while declining to comment on the issues discussed at the meeting. "We never talk about what is discussed at these meetings. It’s more conducive to frank discussion if we keep these meetings private."
Clinton’s office did not return calls seeking comment by press time.
Diana Bruce, director of policy and government affairs for the AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families, said she and other representatives of AIDS groups briefed senators on issues such as the pending reauthorization of the Ryan White AIDS CARE Act.
Others briefed the senators on gay-related issues such as the status of a federal hate crimes bill and efforts to repeal the Pentagon’s "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy on gays in the military.
Just remember WE are giving our MONEY despite this!
and BTW.. if you are so upset with my name... why don't you visit my site, click on the link for THE RUTH ELLIS CENTER and give some money to help get some of the homo children abused and discarded by people who are afraid off the streets of Detroit.
THAT! is my homoagenda!
That being said... good luck to Dean.