I sent the following email to Zogby in response to a survey they requested me to complete which appeared to serve corporate masters.
Dear Zogby Staff, This survey troubled me for a number of reasons. Usually, I feel good about your surveys in that yours appears to be an even-handed organization which seeks to inform. This survey, however, appears to serve a group of corporate masters; the phrases used and questions asked support particular positions. Why was no option given for penalizing corporations, companies, organizations and individuals who employ illegal aliens. Why are they referred to as undocumented workers? The folks who paid for the survey revealed themselves with such references. Their sponsorship also shows with such questions as those which ask 'how much more are you willing to pay' regarding anticipated price increases resulting from unavailable illegal labor. Participating in a corporate decision-making process determining how much more to charge me is not comforting. Why asking who do we trust regarding immigration, isn't asking about Bush or Congress redundant? With GOP control in the executive and the legislative and when both march in lockstep, why ask the question unless one also wishes to tar the democratic party with the same 'lack of trust' brush. I know corporations and their legislative supporters wish to confuse legislative democrats with legislative republicans when they describe congressional failures but let's remember who controls the congress; refer to that control in such questions. Corporate bias simply oozes from a question so confusing, I had to get a screen shot. The question was:
Do you believe that undocumented workers are taking jobs that Americans would otherwise do, or do you believe that there simply are some jobs that Americans are unwilling to take?
The available answers were:
Taking jobs Americans unwilling to do []
Some jobs Americans will not do []
Not sure
If you folks think that the choices represent the options from the question then perhaps I'm reading this poorly. If this is an error you need to clean it up. As it stands this appears to be a confused, manipulative attempt to generate a specific response; the survey does as well. I'm sorry to see this from Zogby. I mean, I know you folks must make money but this just seems blatant.