Here's a brief excerpt:
Wallace: ...and you called John Dean as a witness, and he said this is worse than Watergate. Senator, do you *really* believe there is *any* comparison?
Feingold: Actually, I do think this is worse. Not in terms of personal misconduct. Our greatest priority in this country is fighting the terrorist elements that attacked up on 9/11. But when the president breaks the law, and doesn't admit that he's broken the law, and then advances theories about being able to override the law and torture, and having a pre-emptive doctrine of war, what he's trying to do is change the nature of our government. He's trying to change the nature of our presidency into an imperial presidency, so this is one of the greatest challenges in our history, to Congress to stand up and make sure we still have the rule of law and checks and balances. That's why it's actually more significant than the very serious events that occurred at Watergate.
You can find the whole transcript here: