In defense of Congressional Democrats, as well as the DNC, Democratic leaders who aren't in office, and Democratic voters everywhere... This is a general response to accusations of "chickenshit" Democrats, suggestions that we "label" Democrats we disagree with, and charges that Democrats don't stand for anything, agree on nothing, and that the party's positions are difficult to know.
1. Democrats are in the minority in DC. Things would look a LOT different if we could even take back one house of Congress.
2. This IS a "big tent" party -- sorry! We don't have a Karl Rove who writes scripts that everybody else happily parrots. Democrats honestly have differences of opinion, and honestly say so.
3. Democratic voters believe different things, too, and our representatives in Congress are responsible to their constituents. Act locally.
4. There's a LOT more money in being a Republican than being a Democrat, in anything related to politics (ask David Brock); and there's a LOT more money in the private sector than being in Congress. I dare say most Democrats in Congress aren't there to "line their pockets."
5. Democrats who aren't in office -- Al Sharpton, Wesley Clark, Paul Hackett et al -- are working their butts off for our party and our causes. I suggest there's a lot for us all to learn by listening to them when they speak for and about our party; and when they differ with Democrats in Congress, listen to how they express it.
6. The party is NOT without a "message" or "positions." For cryin' out loud, go to Democrats.org and do a little research!!
7. The party DOES form agreement on key issues, contrary to the popular spin. It was significant that the Democratic agenda on national security was released last week, and they went to significant effort to get it out there -- yet the MSM treated it lightly, even comically; ignored it; and has returned today to the old memes about "divided Democrats."(See:
8. As long as I've been voting, the Democratic party has proven its commitment to important issues. These are broad beliefs, including things like (off the top of my head):
- Constitutional right to privacy
- Freedom of religion; separation of church and state
- Lifting people UP, providing equal opportunity, protecting the weak, equal protection under law
- Affordable Healthcare
- Workers' rights, unions, legal access
- Balanced budgets, fair taxation
- Science, whether it's evolution, global warming, renewable energy, stem cell research, etc.
- Environmental protection
- Social Security
- Veteran's benefits, education, women's rights, urban renewal, and the list goes on...
There may be disagreement on what the goals look like, or what will get us there, but this is a VASTLY different view of the role of government from what Republicans believe. At at this point, not only the role of government at home, but also the role of our nation in the world is at stake, and in ways that threaten all our founding principles.
9. No ONE person's opinions define what is and isn't "DINO." Hillary Clinton, for example, has been attacked as too "DINO," yet today she embraced gun control, "moving left." But many DUers claim gun control is NOT "progressive." So who are the DINO's? It's often all in the eye of the beholder.
10. Back to #1:
"Democrats are in the minority in DC. Things would look a LOT different if we could even take back one house of Congress." That's not going to happen by railing over the fact that certain elected leaders aren't mirroring our own particular views on certain issues.
Get the "D's" by those names, and Democrats can control the agenda, chair committees, decide what will and won't be debated and voted on, etc. etc... ANYthing that enables more "R's" there means we can't even BEGIN to take steps toward the goals we all want.
Our Representatives DO know what we want. They know what's going on even more than we do. They know what they need to do to keep their seats and add others. They know the stakes; and they know what it means to be "minority" as a party, and then some. There is power in numbers -- and right now, we need to focus on the numbers, not rant, label, or knitpick what Democrats need to do to get them.