If we get the House back--and the Chairs of several Committees that would have had appropriate jurisdiction--then of course we can start impeachment proceedings on the horrible little drunk immediately, and have it all come out, and get rid of that bastard Cheney at the same time. Until then, though, I think we should be calling for a Grand Jury investigation of several things that many Americans want explained anyway: from Plame and the threat to the lives of the undercover CIA agents connected with her, to the Iraq war and its false pretenses, to the backroom deals with corporate lobbyists that gave us the "Medicare" (commercial insurance and pharmaceutical industries) prescription disaster, and the unconscionable, record-breaking gas and oil price-gouging and profit-making.
Calling for a Grand Jury makes it sound like you know something and want it revealed, and I think is harder to pretend it is "grandstanding" or "partisan," because you are not exactly calling for punitive measures, you are calling for an investigation of something and for the facts to come out; it is a low key first step. The investigation provides its own interest, the way the Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald was so instantly popular, as the Libby, Rove, etc., cases picked up. To call for a Grand Jury indicates that you want answers to something, and are not just posturing or exploiting an advantage. Notice that it was the Texas Prosecutor's revelation of facts, and assembling of a case, that brought the bastard DeLay down. There is nothing like proof to turn people against these criminals.
A Grand Jury would reveal creepy details, for example, the Bush Administration's spying on ordinary Americans as they lived their lives--League of Women Voters meetings, Quaker meetings in Pennsylvania, Florida, etc., anti-war marches infiltrated and spied-on, the attempts to get records of every Google search that millions of people have done over a many-months period, etc., etc. As creepy as Nixon. Let the results of a Grand Jury investigation come out--just searching for answers--and impeachment will take care of itself. Things will leak out. For those who believe that a Grand Jury investigation, by law, is supposed to remain secret, remember that creep Kenneth Starr, who wasted $70 million I think it was, on a morphing Clinton attack, who then kept revealing things to the media, and suffered no consequences at all. So much for law.
To call for a Grand Jury investigation is harder to attack because it makes you wonder who would object to things being understood and corrected. It is a way to make a giant step, while indicating that you do not pretend to predetermine where or how it will end. Of course, with this Administration's secretive life of crime and collusion, we all know where it will end. I think this is a powerful thing we could actually do, not having control of the Houses of Congress (yet). The other two, I think we could not (yet).